Liu-Qin Yang
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Cited by
Commitment and motivation at work: The relevance of employee identity and regulatory focus
RE Johnson, CH Chang, LQ Yang
Academy of management review 35 (2), 226-245, 2010
Job stress and well‐being: An examination from the view of person‐environment fit
LQ Yang, H Che, PE Spector
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 81 (3), 567-587, 2008
Why abusive supervision impacts employee OCB and CWB: A meta-analytic review of competing mediating mechanisms
Y Zhang, X Liu, S Xu, LQ Yang, TC Bednall
Journal of Management 45 (6), 2474-2497, 2019
Team–member exchange and work engagement: Does personality make a difference?
FY Liao, LQ Yang, M Wang, D Drown, J Shi
Journal of business and psychology 28, 63-77, 2013
Workplace mistreatment climate and potential employee and organizational outcomes: A meta-analytic review from the target’s perspective.
LQ Yang, DE Caughlin, MW Gazica, DM Truxillo, PE Spector
Journal of occupational health psychology 19 (3), 315, 2014
Emotional strain and organizational citizenship behaviours: A meta-analysis and review
CH Chang, RE Johnson, LQ Yang
Work & Stress 21 (4), 312-332, 2007
Psychosocial precursors and physical consequences of workplace violence towards nurses: a longitudinal examination with naturally occurring groups in hospital settings
LQ Yang, PE Spector, M Gallant-Roman, J Powell
International journal of nursing studies 49 (9), 1091-1102, 2012
Individualism–collectivism as a moderator of the work demands–strains relationship: A cross-level and cross-national examination
LQ Yang, PE Spector, JI Sanchez, TD Allen, S Poelmans, CL Cooper, ...
Journal of International Business Studies 43, 424-443, 2012
The crossover of psychological distress from leaders to subordinates in teams: The role of abusive supervision, psychological capital, and team performance.
Y Li, Z Wang, LQ Yang, S Liu
Journal of occupational health psychology 21 (2), 142-153, 2016
Emotional labor in China: do perceived organizational support and gender moderate the process?
AE Nixon, LQ Yang, PE Spector, X Zhang
Stress and Health 27 (4), 289-305, 2011
Person–environment fit or person plus environment: A meta-analysis of studies using polynomial regression analysis
LQ Yang, EL Levine, MA Smith, D Ispas, ME Rossi
Human Resource Management Review 18 (4), 311-321, 2008
Work‐related psychosocial risk factors and coping resources during the COVID‐19 crisis
T Rigotti, LQ Yang, Z Jiang, A Newman, N De Cuyper, T Sekiguchi
Applied psychology= Psychologie appliquée 70 (1), 3, 2021
To branch out or stay focused?: Daily affective shifts differentially predict organizational citizenship behavior and task performance
LQ Yang, L Simon, L Wang, X Zheng
Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (6), 831-845, 2016
Relations of interpersonal unfairness with counterproductive work behavior: The moderating role of employee self-identity
LQ Yang, RE Johnson, X Zhang, PE Spector, S Xu
Journal of Business and Psychology 28, 189-202, 2013
Examining the mediating effect of supervisor conflict on procedural injustice–job strain relations: The function of power distance.
C Liu, LQ Yang, MM Nauta
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 2012
Abusive supervision, thwarted belongingness, and workplace safety: A group engagement perspective.
LQ Yang, X Zheng, X Liu, C Lu, JM Schaubroeck
Journal of Applied Psychology 105 (3), 230, 2020
Physiological mechanisms that underlie the effects of interactional unfairness on deviant behavior: The role of cortisol activity
LQ Yang, J Bauer, ER Johnson, M Groer, K Salomon
Journal of Applied Psychology 99 (2), 310-321, 2014
Aggression-preventative supervisor behavior: Implications for workplace climate and employee outcomes
LQ Yang, ED Caughlin
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 22 (1), 1-18, 2017
Comparison of Weights for Meta-Analysis of r and d Under Realistic Conditions
MT Brannick, LQ Yang, G Cafri
Organizational Research Methods 14 (4), 587-607, 2011
Cross-national explorations of the impact of affect at work using the State-Trait Emotion Measure: a coordinated series of studies in the United States, China, and Romania
EL Levine, X Xu, LQ Yang, D Ispas, HD Pitariu, R Bian, D Ding, ...
Human Performance 24 (5), 405-442, 2011
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Articles 1–20