Alberto Carballo
Alberto Carballo
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Geophysical-petrological modeling of the lithosphere beneath the Cantabrian Mountains and the North-Iberian margin: geodynamic implications
D Pedreira, JC Afonso, JA Pulgar, J Gallastegui, A Carballo, M Fernandez, ...
Lithos 230, 46-68, 2015
From the North-Iberian Margin to the Alboran Basin: A lithosphere geo-transect across the Iberian Plate
A Carballo, M Fernández, I Jiménez-Munt, M Torné, J Vergés, ...
Tectonophysics 663, 399-418, 2015
Thermal and petrophysical characterization of the lithospheric mantle along the northeastern Iberia geo-transect
A Carballo, M Fernandez, M Torne, I Jiménez-Munt, A Villaseñor
Gondwana Research 27 (4), 1430-1445, 2015
Deep seated density anomalies across the Iberia‐Africa plate boundary and its topographic response
I Jiménez‐Munt, M Torne, M Fernàndez, J Vergés, A Kumar, A Carballo, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (12), 13310-13332, 2019
Peneplanation and lithosphere dynamics in the Pyrenees
GV Bosch, J Van Den Driessche, J Babault, A Robert, A Carballo, ...
Comptes Rendus Géoscience 348 (3-4), 194-202, 2016
Regional crustal and lithospheric thickness model for Alaska, the Chukchi shelf, and the inner and outer bering shelves
M Torne, I Jiménez–Munt, J Vergés, M Fernàndez, A Carballo, ...
Geophysical Journal International 220 (1), 522-540, 2020
Corte litosférico al Este de la Península Ibérica y sus márgenes. Modelización de las propiedades físicas del manto superior
A Carballo, M Fernández, I Jiménez-Munt
Física Tierra 23, 131-147, 2011
A lithosphere geotransect from the Iberia Variscan domain to the Alpine North Africa ranges crossing the Gibraltar Arc System.
I Jimenez-Munt, M Torné, M Fernández Ortiga, J Vergés, A Carballo, ...
Lithospheric transition from the stable Iberia Variscan domain to the Alpine deformed Gibraltar Arc and Atlas mountains
I Jiménez-Munt, M Torne, A Carballo, M Fernàndez, A Kumar, J Vergés, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 8976, 2018
New crustal and lithospheric mantle structure of Alaska from geoid, elevation and thermal inversion analysis further constrained by 3D gravity modelling
A Carballo, M Jadamec, M Torne, I Jiménez-Munt, M Fernàndez
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 8733, 2018
Geophysical and petrological modeling of the lithospheric structure and LAB in Alaska
A Carballo, MA Jadamec
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, T51H-05, 2016
Geophysical and petrological characterization of the lithospheric mantle in Iberia, Western Mediterranean and North Africa
M Fernandez, M Torne, A Carballo, I Jiménez-Munt, J Verges, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, T13B-3001, 2015
Geophysical and petrological characterization of the lithospheric mantle in Iberia and North Africa
A Carballo
Universitat de Barcelona, 2015
Peneplanation and deep dynamics in the Pyrenees
GV Bosch, J Van Den Driessche, J Babault, A Robert, A Carballo, N Loget
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 13086, 2015
Crossing the Iberian Plate from the Bay of Biscay to the Alboran Sea: a lithospheric geotransect
A Carballo, M Fernandez, M Torne, I Jiménez-Munt, J Vergés, D Pedreira, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 12405, 2014
A lithospheric cross-section across the NE Iberian Peninsula and the western Mediterranean
A Carballo, M Fernández Ortiga, I Jimenez-Munt, M Torné
A lithospheric cross-section across the NE Iberian Peninsula and the western Mediterranean Basin
A Carballo, M Fernández, I Jiménez-Munt, M Torne
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU2013-5182, 2013
A lithospheric cross-section in the Western Mediterranean: from the Aquitanian/Ebro basins to north Algeria
A Carballo, M Fernández, I Jiménez-Munt
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 8387, 2012
A lithospheric cross-section in the Western Mediterranean: from the Aquitanian/Ebro basins to Algeria
A Carballo, M Fernandez, IJ Munt
Geotemas (Madrid), 1623-1626, 2012
A lithospheric cross-section in the eastern Iberian Peninsula and its margins. Modelling the physical properties of the upper mantle; Corte litosferico al Este de la Peninsula …
A Carballo, M Fernandez, I Jimenez-Munt
Fisica de la Tierra 23, 2011
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Articles 1–20