Andrii Fatiukha
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Cited by
Cloning of the wheat Yr15 resistance gene sheds light on the plant tandem kinase-pseudokinase family
V Klymiuk, E Yaniv, L Huang, D Raats, A Fatiukha, S Chen, L Feng, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3735, 2018
Grain protein content and thousand kernel weight QTLs identified in a durum× wild emmer wheat mapping population tested in five environments
A Fatiukha, N Filler, I Lupo, G Lidzbarsky, V Klymiuk, AB Korol, C Pozniak, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 133, 119-131, 2020
Discovery of stripe rust resistance with incomplete dominance in wild emmer wheat using bulked segregant analysis sequencing
V Klymiuk, HS Chawla, K Wiebe, J Ens, A Fatiukha, L Govta, T Fahima, ...
Communications Biology 5 (1), 826, 2022
Cloning of the wheat Yr15 resistance gene sheds light on the plant tandem kinase-pseudokinase family. Nat Commun 9: 3735
V Klymiuk, E Yaniv, L Huang, D Raats, A Fatiukha, S Chen, L Feng, ...
Durum wheat as a bridge between wild emmer wheat genetic resources and bread wheat
V Klymiuk, A Fatiukha, L Huang, Z Wei, T Kis-Papo, Y Saranga, ...
Applications of genetic and genomic research in cereals, 201-230, 2019
Three previously characterized resistances to yellow rust are encoded by a single locus Wtk1
V Klymiuk, A Fatiukha, D Raats, V Bocharova, L Huang, L Feng, S Jaiwar, ...
Journal of experimental botany 71 (9), 2561-2572, 2020
Genomic architecture of phenotypic plasticity in response to water stress in tetraploid wheat
A Fatiukha, M Deblieck, V Klymiuk, L Merchuk-Ovnat, Z Peleg, F Ordon, ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (4), 1723, 2021
Wheat tandem kinases provide insights on disease‐resistance gene flow and host–parasite co‐evolution
V Klymiuk, A Fatiukha, T Fahima
The Plant Journal 98 (4), 667-679, 2019
Variation in phosphorus and sulfur content shapes the genetic architecture and phenotypic associations within the wheat grain ionome
A Fatiukha, V Klymiuk, Z Peleg, Y Saranga, I Cakmak, T Krugman, ...
The Plant Journal 101 (3), 555-572, 2020
TdPm60 identified in wild emmer wheat is an ortholog of Pm60 and constitutes a strong candidate for PmG16 powdery mildew resistance
Y Li, ZZ Wei, A Fatiukha, S Jaiwar, H Wang, S Hasan, Z Liu, H Sela, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 134 (9), 2777-2793, 2021
Algal bio-indication in assessment of hydrological impact on ecosystem in wetlands of “Slavyansky Resort”
V Klymiuk, S Barinova, A Fatiukha
Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research 17 (1), 63-70, 2015
Applications of Genetic and Genomic Research in Cereals
V Klymiuk, A Fatiukha, L Huang, ZZ Wei, T Kis-Papo, Y Saranga, ...
Woodhead Publishing, 2019
Genetic architecture of rust resistance in a wheat (Triticum turgidum) diversity panel
V Klymiuk, T Haile, J Ens, K Wiebe, A N’Diaye, A Fatiukha, T Krugman, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 14, 1145371, 2023
Fahima T2018 Cloning of the wheat Yr15 resistance gene sheds light on the plant and emkinase-pseudokinase family
V Klymiuk, E Yaniv, L Huang, D Raats, A Fatiukha, S Chen, L Feng, ...
Nature Communication 9, 3735, 0
GenoTypeMapper: graphical genotyping on genetic and sequence-based maps
M Deblieck, A Fatiukha, N Grundman, L Merchuk-Ovnat, Y Saranga, ...
Plant Methods 16, 1-11, 2020
Genomic architecture of phenotypic plasticity of complex traits in tetraploid wheat in response to water stress
A Fatiukha, M Deblieck, V Klymiuk, L Merchuk-Ovnat, Z Peleg, F Ordon, ...
bioRxiv, 565820, 2019
Dissection of a grain yield QTL from wild emmer wheat reveals sub-intervals associated with culm length and kernel number
M Deblieck, G Szilagyi, F Andrii, Y Saranga, M Lauterberg, K Neumann, ...
Frontiers in Genetics 13, 955295, 2022
The wild emmer wheat grain protein content 5B QTL introgressed into bread wheat is associated with tolerance to nitrogen deficiency.
N Govta, A Fatiukha, L Govta, C Pozniak, A Distelfeld, T Fahima, ...
TdPm60 identified in wild emmer wheat is an ortholog of Pm60 and constitutes a strong candidate for PmG16 powdery mildew resistance (Jun, 10.1007/s00122-021-03858-3, 2021)
Y Li, ZZ Wei, A Fatiukha, S Jaiwar, H Wang, S Hasan, Z Liu, H Sela, ...
THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS 134 (10), 3489-3489, 2021
The Cloned Yr15 Gene (WTK1) Encodes Two Kinase-like Protein Domains, Both Required for Conferring Broad-Spectrum Resistance to Stripe Rust
T Fahima, E Yaniv, L Huang, V Klymiuk, D Raats, L Feng, S Chen, ...
Plant and Animal Genome XXVI Conference (January 13-17, 2018), 2018
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Articles 1–20