R. G. Leisure
R. G. Leisure
Professor Emeritus of Physics, Colorado State University
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Resonant ultrasound spectroscopic techniques for measurement of the elastic moduli of solids
A Migliori, JL Sarrao, WM Visscher, TM Bell, M Lei, Z Fisk, RG Leisure
Physica B: Condensed Matter 183 (1-2), 1-24, 1993
Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy
RG Leisure, FA Willis
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 9 (28), 6001, 1997
Elastic constants of monocrystal iron from 3to500K
JJ Adams, DS Agosta, RG Leisure, H Ledbetter
Journal of applied physics 100 (11), 2006
Elastic constants of palladium and -phase palladium hydride between 4 and 300 K
DK Hsu, RG Leisure
Physical review B 20 (4), 1339, 1979
Amorphous-like acoustical properties of Na doped β-Al2O 3
P Doussineau, C Frenois, RG Leisure, A Levelut, JY Prieur
Journal de Physique 41 (10), 1193-1211, 1980
Fundamental Role of Creation and Activation in Radiation-Induced Defect Production in High-Purity Amorphous Si
VA Mashkov, WR Austin, L Zhang, RG Leisure
Physical Review Letters 76 (16), 2926, 1996
Diamond’s elastic stiffnesses from 322 K to 10 K
A Migliori, H Ledbetter, RG Leisure, C Pantea, JB Betts
Journal of Applied Physics 104 (5), 2008
Elastic properties of tantalum over the temperature range 4–300 K
RG Leisure, DK Hsu, BA Seiber
Journal of Applied Physics 44 (8), 3394-3397, 1973
Importance of structural instability to high-temperature superconductivity
A Bussmann-Holder, A Migliori, Z Fisk, JL Sarrao, RG Leisure, ...
Physical review letters 67 (4), 512, 1991
Internal friction studies by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy
RG Leisure, K Foster, JE Hightower, DS Agosta
Materials Science and Engineering: A 370 (1-2), 34-40, 2004
The Eδ and triplet‐state centers in x‐irradiated high‐purity amorphous SiO2
L Zhang, RG Leisure
Journal of applied physics 80 (7), 3744-3749, 1996
Digital ultrasonic pulse-echo overlap system and algorithm for unambiguous determination of pulse transit time
C Pantea, DG Rickel, A Migliori, RG Leisure, J Zhang, Y Zhao, S El-Khatib, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 76 (11), 2005
Elastic moduli of polycrystalline
M Bereznitsky, A Ode, JE Hightower, O Yeheskel, I Jacob, RG Leisure
Journal of applied physics 91 (8), 5010-5015, 2002
Multiple Interconversions of the and Oxygen-Hole Defect Centers in High-Purity Amorphous Silica during Anneal-Interrupted x Irradiation
L Zhang, VA Mashkov, RG Leisure
Physical review letters 74 (9), 1605, 1995
Cw microwave spectrometer for ultrasonic paramagnetic resonance
RG Leisure, DI Bolef
Review of Scientific Instruments 39 (3), 424-424, 1968
Elastic constants of isotropic cylinders using resonant ultrasound
P Heyliger, A Jilani, H Ledbetter, RG Leisure, CL Wang
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 94 (3), 1482-1487, 1993
Elastic constants of α’-phase over the temperature range 4300 K
LA Nygren, RG Leisure
Physical Review B 37 (11), 6482, 1988
Hydrogen motion in single-crystal palladium hydride as studied ultrasonically
RG Leisure, T Kanashiro, PC Riedi, DK Hsu
Physical Review B 27 (8), 4872, 1983
Ultrasonic Measurements in Mn near the Néel Temperature
RG Leisure, RW Moss
Physical Review 188 (2), 840, 1969
Low-temperature elastic and piezoelectric constants of paratellurite (α-TeO2)
H Ledbetter, RG Leisure, A Migliori, J Betts, H Ogi
Journal of applied physics 96 (11), 6201-6206, 2004
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