Michael Galperin
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Cited by
Molecular transport junctions: vibrational effects
M Galperin, MA Ratner, A Nitzan
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (10), 103201, 2007
Hysteresis, switching, and negative differential resistance in molecular junctions: a polaron model
M Galperin, MA Ratner, A Nitzan
Nano letters 5 (1), 125-130, 2005
Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy in molecular junctions: Peaks and dips
M Galperin, MA Ratner, A Nitzan
The Journal of chemical physics 121 (23), 11965-11979, 2004
Nuclear coupling and polarization in molecular transport junctions: beyond tunneling to function
M Galperin, MA Ratner, A Nitzan, A Troisi
Science 319 (5866), 1056-1060, 2008
Resonant inelastic tunneling in molecular junctions
M Galperin, A Nitzan, MA Ratner
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (4), 045314, 2006
Heat conduction in molecular transport junctions
M Galperin, A Nitzan, MA Ratner
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (15), 155312, 2007
Molecular optoelectronics: the interaction of molecular conduction junctions with light
M Galperin, A Nitzan
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (26), 9421-9438, 2012
Selective triplet exciton formation in a single molecule
K Kimura, K Miwa, H Imada, M Imai-Imada, S Kawahara, J Takeya, ...
Nature 570 (7760), 210-213, 2019
Quantum thermodynamics: A nonequilibrium Green’s function approach
M Esposito, MA Ochoa, M Galperin
Physical review letters 114 (8), 080602, 2015
Nature of heat in strongly coupled open quantum systems
M Esposito, MA Ochoa, M Galperin
Physical Review B 92 (23), 235440, 2015
Current-induced light emission and light-induced current in molecular-tunneling junctions
M Galperin, A Nitzan
Physical review letters 95 (20), 206802, 2005
On the line widths of vibrational features in inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy
M Galperin, MA Ratner, A Nitzan
Nano letters 4 (9), 1605-1611, 2004
Inelastic tunneling effects on noise properties of molecular junctions
M Galperin, A Nitzan, MA Ratner
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (7), 075326, 2006
Cooling mechanisms in molecular conduction junctions
M Galperin, K Saito, AV Balatsky, A Nitzan
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (11), 115427, 2009
Transport in molecular states language: Generalized quantum master equation approach
M Esposito, M Galperin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (20), 205303, 2009
Optical properties of current carrying molecular wires
M Galperin, A Nitzan
The Journal of chemical physics 124 (23), 2006
Inelastic effects in molecular junctions in the Coulomb and Kondo regimes: Nonequilibrium equation-of-motion approach
M Galperin, A Nitzan, MA Ratner
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (3), 035301, 2007
Switching in molecular transport junctions: polarization response
S Yeganeh, M Galperin, MA Ratner
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (43), 13313-13320, 2007
Inelastic effects in molecular junction transport: scattering and self-consistent calculations for the Seebeck coefficient
M Galperin, A Nitzan, MA Ratner
Molecular Physics 106 (2-4), 397-404, 2008
On the electrostatic potential profile in biased molecular wires
A Nitzan, M Galperin, GL Ingold, H Grabert
The Journal of chemical physics 117 (23), 10837-10841, 2002
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Articles 1–20