Development and preliminary validation of the young adult alcohol consequences questionnaire. JP Read, CW Kahler, DR Strong, CR Colder Journal of studies on alcohol 67 (1), 169-177, 2006 | 725 | 2006 |
The relation of parent alcoholism to adolescent substance use: a longitudinal follow-up study. L Chassin, PJ Curran, AM Hussong, CR Colder American Psychological Association, 1997 | 661 | 1997 |
Rates of DSM–IV–TR trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder among newly matriculated college students. JP Read, P Ouimette, J White, C Colder, S Farrow Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy 3 (2), 148, 2011 | 504 | 2011 |
Differentiating between sensation seeking and impulsivity through their mediated relations with alcohol use and problems V Magid, MG MacLean, CR Colder Addictive behaviors 32 (10), 2046-2061, 2007 | 462 | 2007 |
A finite mixture model of growth trajectories of adolescent alcohol use: predictors and consequences. CR Colder, RT Campbell, E Ruel, JL Richardson, BR Flay Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 70 (4), 976, 2002 | 335 | 2002 |
Psychometric Properties of the Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory (PTCI): a replication with motor vehicle accident survivors. JG Beck, SF Coffey, SA Palyo, B Gudmundsdottir, LM Miller, CR Colder Psychological assessment 16 (3), 289, 2004 | 311 | 2004 |
The UPPS Impulsive Behavior Scale: Factor structure and associations with college drinking V Magid, CR Colder Personality and Individual Differences 43 (7), 1927-1937, 2007 | 293 | 2007 |
Vulnerability to peer influence: A moderated mediation study of early adolescent alcohol use initiation EM Trucco, CR Colder, WF Wieczorek Addictive behaviors 36 (7), 729-736, 2011 | 286 | 2011 |
The moderating effects of children's fear and activity level on relations between parenting practices and childhood symptomatology CR Colder, JE Lochman, KC Wells Journal of abnormal child psychology 25, 251-263, 1997 | 285 | 1997 |
Prospective associations of internalizing and externalizing problems and their co-occurrence with early adolescent substance use CR Colder, M Scalco, EM Trucco, JP Read, LJ Lengua, WF Wieczorek, ... Journal of abnormal child psychology 41, 667-677, 2013 | 270 | 2013 |
Affectivity and impulsivity: Temperament risk for adolescent alcohol involvement. CR Colder, L Chassin Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 11 (2), 83, 1997 | 258 | 1997 |
A longitudinal study of social competence among children of alcoholic and nonalcoholic parents: role of parental psychopathology, parental warmth, and self-regulation. RD Eiden, C Colder, EP Edwards, KE Leonard Psychology of addictive behaviors 23 (1), 36, 2009 | 253 | 2009 |
Gray's reinforcement sensitivity model and child psychopathology: Laboratory and questionnaire assessment of the BAS and BIS CR Colder, RM O'connor Journal of abnormal child psychology 32, 435-451, 2004 | 249 | 2004 |
Predicting alcohol patterns in first-year college students through motivational systems and reasons for drinking. RM O'connor, CR Colder Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 19 (1), 10, 2005 | 239 | 2005 |
Trauma and posttraumatic stress symptoms predict alcohol and other drug consequence trajectories in the first year of college. JP Read, CR Colder, JE Merrill, P Ouimette, J White, A Swartout Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 80 (3), 426, 2012 | 237 | 2012 |
Identifying trajectories of adolescent smoking: an application of latent growth mixture modeling. CR Colder, P Mehta, K Balanda, RT Campbell, K Mayhew, WR Stanton, ... Health Psychology 20 (2), 127, 2001 | 232 | 2001 |
A longitudinal study of the interactive effects of impulsivity and anger on adolescent problem behavior CR Colder, E Stice Journal of youth and adolescence 27 (3), 255-274, 1998 | 228 | 1998 |
Life stress, physiological and subjective indexes of negative emotionality, and coping reasons for drinking: Is there evidence for a self-medication model of alcohol use? CR Colder Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 15 (3), 237, 2001 | 204 | 2001 |
The interactive effects of infant activity level and fear on growth trajectories of early childhood behavior problems CR Colder, JA Mott, AS Berman Development and psychopathology 14 (1), 1-23, 2002 | 189 | 2002 |
The stress and negative affect model of adolescent alcohol use and the moderating effects of behavioral undercontrol. CR Colder, L Chassin Journal of studies on alcohol 54 (3), 326-333, 1993 | 178 | 1993 |