Craig R Colder
Craig R Colder
University at Buffalo, State University of New York
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Development and preliminary validation of the young adult alcohol consequences questionnaire.
JP Read, CW Kahler, DR Strong, CR Colder
Journal of studies on alcohol 67 (1), 169-177, 2006
The relation of parent alcoholism to adolescent substance use: a longitudinal follow-up study.
L Chassin, PJ Curran, AM Hussong, CR Colder
American Psychological Association, 1997
Rates of DSM–IV–TR trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder among newly matriculated college students.
JP Read, P Ouimette, J White, C Colder, S Farrow
Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy 3 (2), 148, 2011
Differentiating between sensation seeking and impulsivity through their mediated relations with alcohol use and problems
V Magid, MG MacLean, CR Colder
Addictive behaviors 32 (10), 2046-2061, 2007
A finite mixture model of growth trajectories of adolescent alcohol use: predictors and consequences.
CR Colder, RT Campbell, E Ruel, JL Richardson, BR Flay
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 70 (4), 976, 2002
Psychometric Properties of the Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory (PTCI): a replication with motor vehicle accident survivors.
JG Beck, SF Coffey, SA Palyo, B Gudmundsdottir, LM Miller, CR Colder
Psychological assessment 16 (3), 289, 2004
The UPPS Impulsive Behavior Scale: Factor structure and associations with college drinking
V Magid, CR Colder
Personality and Individual Differences 43 (7), 1927-1937, 2007
Vulnerability to peer influence: A moderated mediation study of early adolescent alcohol use initiation
EM Trucco, CR Colder, WF Wieczorek
Addictive behaviors 36 (7), 729-736, 2011
The moderating effects of children's fear and activity level on relations between parenting practices and childhood symptomatology
CR Colder, JE Lochman, KC Wells
Journal of abnormal child psychology 25, 251-263, 1997
Prospective associations of internalizing and externalizing problems and their co-occurrence with early adolescent substance use
CR Colder, M Scalco, EM Trucco, JP Read, LJ Lengua, WF Wieczorek, ...
Journal of abnormal child psychology 41, 667-677, 2013
Affectivity and impulsivity: Temperament risk for adolescent alcohol involvement.
CR Colder, L Chassin
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 11 (2), 83, 1997
A longitudinal study of social competence among children of alcoholic and nonalcoholic parents: role of parental psychopathology, parental warmth, and self-regulation.
RD Eiden, C Colder, EP Edwards, KE Leonard
Psychology of addictive behaviors 23 (1), 36, 2009
Gray's reinforcement sensitivity model and child psychopathology: Laboratory and questionnaire assessment of the BAS and BIS
CR Colder, RM O'connor
Journal of abnormal child psychology 32, 435-451, 2004
Predicting alcohol patterns in first-year college students through motivational systems and reasons for drinking.
RM O'connor, CR Colder
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 19 (1), 10, 2005
Trauma and posttraumatic stress symptoms predict alcohol and other drug consequence trajectories in the first year of college.
JP Read, CR Colder, JE Merrill, P Ouimette, J White, A Swartout
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 80 (3), 426, 2012
Identifying trajectories of adolescent smoking: an application of latent growth mixture modeling.
CR Colder, P Mehta, K Balanda, RT Campbell, K Mayhew, WR Stanton, ...
Health Psychology 20 (2), 127, 2001
A longitudinal study of the interactive effects of impulsivity and anger on adolescent problem behavior
CR Colder, E Stice
Journal of youth and adolescence 27 (3), 255-274, 1998
Life stress, physiological and subjective indexes of negative emotionality, and coping reasons for drinking: Is there evidence for a self-medication model of alcohol use?
CR Colder
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 15 (3), 237, 2001
The interactive effects of infant activity level and fear on growth trajectories of early childhood behavior problems
CR Colder, JA Mott, AS Berman
Development and psychopathology 14 (1), 1-23, 2002
The stress and negative affect model of adolescent alcohol use and the moderating effects of behavioral undercontrol.
CR Colder, L Chassin
Journal of studies on alcohol 54 (3), 326-333, 1993
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