Sakari Taipale
Sakari Taipale
Professor of Social and Public Policy, University of Jyväskylä, FINLAND
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Work engagement in eight European countries: The role of job demands, autonomy, and social support
S Taipale, K Selander, T Anttila, J Nätti
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 31 (7/8), 486-504, 2011
The use of e-government services and the Internet: The role of socio-demographic, economic and geographical predictors
S Taipale
Telecommunications Policy 37 (4-5), 413-422, 2013
Exploring heterogeneous ICT use among older adults: The warm experts’ perspective
R Hänninen, S Taipale, R Luostari
New media & society 23 (6), 1584-1601, 2021
Robot acceptance model for care (RAM-care): A principled approach to the intention to use care robots
T Turja, I Aaltonen, S Taipale, A Oksanen
Information & Management 57 (5), 103220, 2020
The use of mobile technology for online shopping and entertainment among older adults in Finland
SM Kuoppamäki, S Taipale, TA Wilska
telematics and Informatics 34 (4), 110-117, 2017
Design of mobile phones for older adults: An empirical analysis of design guidelines and checklists for feature phones and smartphones
A Petrovčič, S Taipale, A Rogelj, V Dolničar
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 34 (3), 251-264, 2018
The role of age and digital competence on the use of online health and social care services: a cross-sectional population-based survey
T Heponiemi, AM Kaihlanen, A Kouvonen, L Leemann, S Taipale, ...
Digital health 8, 20552076221074485, 2022
Intergenerational connections in digital families
S Taipale
Springer, 2019
Synchronicity matters: defining the characteristics of digital generations
S Taipale
Information, Communication & Society 19 (1), 80-94, 2016
The big meaning of small messages: The use of WhatsApp in intergenerational family communication
S Taipale, M Farinosi
Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Acceptance, Communication and …, 2018
Robot shift from industrial production to social reproduction
S Taipale, F De Luca, M Sarrica, L Fortunati
Social robots from a human perspective, 11-24, 2015
The affordances of reading/writing on paper and digitally in Finland
S Taipale
Telematics and Informatics 31 (4), 532-542, 2014
Social robots from a human perspective
J Vincent, S Taipale, B Sapio, G Lugano, L Fortunati
Springer, 2015
Mobilities and the network of personal technologies: Refining the understanding of mobility structure
L Fortunati, S Taipale
Telematics and Informatics 34 (2), 560-568, 2017
Innovators and innovated: Newspapers and the postdigital future beyond the “death of print”
J O'Sullivan, L Fortunati, S Taipale, K Barnhurst
The Information Society 33 (2), 86-95, 2017
The advanced use of mobile phones in five European countries
L Fortunati, S Taipale
British Journal of Sociology, 2014
Digital generations, but not as we know them
L Fortunati, S Taipale, F de Luca
Convergence 25 (1), 95-112, 2019
Care workers’ readiness for robotization: identifying psychological and socio-demographic determinants
T Turja, S Taipale, M Kaakinen, A Oksanen
International Journal of Social Robotics 12 (1), 79-90, 2020
Print and online newspapers as material artefacts
L Fortunati, S Taipale, M Farinosi
Journalism 16 (6), 830-846, 2015
What happened to body-to-body sociability?
L Fortunati, S Taipale, F de Luca
Social Science Research 42 (3), 893-905, 2013
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Articles 1–20