Christophe Dony
Christophe Dony
Professeur d'informatique, Université de Montpellier-II
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Cited by
Prototype-based languages: from a new taxonomy to constructive proposals and their validation
C Dony, J Malenfant, P Cointe
Conference proceedings on Object-oriented programming systems, languages …, 1992
Split objects: a disciplined use of delegation within objects
D Bardou, C Dony
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 31 (10), 122-137, 1996
Exception handling and object-oriented programming: towards a synthesis
C Dony
ACM Sigplan Notices 25 (10), 322-330, 1990
On automatic class insertion with overloading
H Dicky, C Dony, M Huchard, T Libourel
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 31 (10), 251-267, 1996
Improving exception handling in multi-agent systems
F Souchon, C Dony, C Urtado, S Vauttier
Software Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems II: Research Issues and …, 2004
From monolithic architecture style to microservice one based on a semi-automatic approach
A Selmadji, AD Seriai, HL Bouziane, RO Mahamane, P Zaragoza, C Dony
2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA), 157-168, 2020
Feature-to-code traceability in a collection of software variants: Combining formal concept analysis and information retrieval
H Eyal-Salman, AD Seriai, C Dony
2013 IEEE 14th International Conference on Information Reuse & Integration …, 2013
Advances in exception handling techniques
A Romanovsky, C Dony, JL Knudsen, A Tripathi
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2022, 2001
Foundations of a simple and unified component-oriented language
L Fabresse, C Dony, M Huchard
Elsevier Computer Languages, Systems & Structures 34 (2), 130-149, 2008
Exceptional use cases
A Shui, S Mustafiz, J Kienzle, C Dony
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: 8th International Conference …, 2005
APE: learning user's habits to automate repetitive tasks
JD Ruvini, C Dony
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Intelligent user …, 2000
Feature location in a collection of product variants: Combining information retrieval and hierarchical clustering
H Eyal-Salman, AD Seriai, C Dony
SEKE: Software Engineering and knowledge engineering, Vancouver, 426-430, 2014
Re-architecting OO software into microservices: A quality-centred approach
A Selmadji, AD Seriai, HL Bouziane, C Dony, RO Mahamane
Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing: 7th IFIP WG 2.14 European Conference …, 2018
A semantics of introspection in a reflective prototype-based language
J Malenfant, C Dony, P Cointe
Lisp and symbolic computation 9, 153-179, 1996
ARES, Adding a class and REStructuring inheritance hierarchies
H Dicky, C Dony, M Huchard, T Libourel
of: Actes de BDA 95, 25-42, 1995
Behavioral Reflection in a prototype-based language
J Malenfant, C Dony, P Cointe
Proceedings of Int’l Workshop on Reflection and Meta-Level Architectures …, 1992
Component-based specification of software architecture constraints
C Tibermacine, S Sadou, C Dony, L Fabresse
Proceedings of the 14th international ACM Sigsoft symposium on Component …, 2011
Classifying prototype-based programming languages
C Dony, J Malenfant, D Bardou
Prototype-based Programming: Concepts, Languages and Applications 86, 71, 1998
An object-oriented exception handling system for an object-oriented language
C Dony
ECOOP’88 European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming: Oslo, Norway …, 1988
Advances in Exception Handling Techniques
C Dony, JL Knudsen, A Romanovsky, A Tripathi
Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 2006
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Articles 1–20