Xiangdong An
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Cited by
Privacy intrusion detection using dynamic Bayesian networks
X An, D Jutla, N Cercone
Acm international conference proceeding series 156, 208-215, 2006
Using term location information to enhance probabilistic information retrieval
B Liu, X An, JX Huang
Proceedings of the 38th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and …, 2015
Conceptualizing type 2 diabetes and its management
P Tsasis, J Wu, A An, HJ Wong, X An, Z Mei, T Hains
Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, 133-136, 2016
Dynamic multiagent probabilistic inference
X An, Y Xiang, N Cercone
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 48 (1), 185-213, 2008
Finding best evidence for evidence-based best practice recommendations in health care: the initial decision support system design
N Cercone, X An, J Li, Z Gu, A An
Knowledge and information systems 29, 159-201, 2011
A bayesian network approach to detecting privacy intrusion
X An, D Jutla, N Cercone
2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and …, 2006
Boosting novelty for biomedical information retrieval through probabilistic latent semantic analysis
X An, JX Huang
Proceedings of the 36th international ACM SIGIR conference on research and …, 2013
Revising markov boundary for multiagent probabilistic inference
X An, Y Xiang, N Cercone
Proceedings. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent …, 2004
Uncertain inference control in privacy protection
X An, D Jutla, N Cercone, C Pluempitiwiriyawej, H Wang
International Journal of Information Security 8, 423-431, 2009
Diversity and novelty in biomedical information retrieval
X An, JX Huang, Y Wang
Biomedical Information Technology, 369-396, 2020
genov: A new metric for measuring novelty and relevancy in biomedical information retrieval
X An, JX Huang
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 68 (11 …, 2017
Dynamic inference control in privacy preference enforcement
X An, D Jutla, N Cercone
Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Privacy, Security and …, 2006
Lexical acquisition and clustering of word senses to conceptual lexicon construction
C Pluempitiwiriyawej, N Cercone, X An
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 57 (9), 1537-1546, 2009
Reasoning about obfuscated private information: who have lied and how to lie
X An, D Jutla, N Cercone
Proceedings of the 5th ACM workshop on Privacy in electronic society, 85-88, 2006
Simulation of graphical models for multiagent probabilistic inference
Y Xiang, X An, N Cercone
Simulation 79 (10), 545-567, 2003
Auditing and inference control for privacy preservation in uncertain environments
X An, D Jutla, N Cercone
European Conference on Smart Sensing and Context, 159-173, 2006
Probabilistic reasoning in dynamic multiagent systems.
X An, Y Xiang, N Cercone
NMR, 16-24, 2004
A statistical model for predicting power demand peaks in power systems
X An, N Cercone
2015 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery …, 2015
How complementary are different information retrieval techniques? a study in biomedicine domain
X An, N Cercone
International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational …, 2014
Iterative multiagent probabilistic inference
X An, N Cercone
2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology …, 2006
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Articles 1–20