Portonovo Ayyaswamy
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Transport phenomena with drops and bubbles
SS Sadhal, PS Ayyaswamy, JN Chung
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Escherichia coli Biofilms Formed under Low-Shear Modeled Microgravity in a Ground-Based System
SV Lynch, K Mukundakrishnan, MR Benoit, PS Ayyaswamy, A Matin
Applied and environmental microbiology 72 (12), 7701-7710, 2006
Capillary flow in triangular grooves
PS Ayyaswamy, I Catton, DK Edwards
Fabrication, characterization and evaluation of bioceramic hollow microspheres used as microcarriers for 3-D bone tissue formation in rotating bioreactors
QQ Qiu, P Ducheyne, PS Ayyaswamy
Biomaterials 20 (11), 989-1001, 1999
Heat transport mechanisms in vascular tissues: a model comparison
JW Baish, PS Ayyaswamy, KR Foster
Natural convection flow in a finite, rectangular slot arbitrarily oriented with respect to the gravity vector
I Catton, PS Ayyaswamy, RM Clever
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 17 (2), 173-184, 1974
New bioactive, degradable composite microspheres as tissue engineering substrates
QQ Qiu, P Ducheyne, PS Ayyaswamy
Journal of biomedical materials research 52 (1), 66-76, 2000
Computational model for nanocarrier binding to endothelium validated using in vivo, in vitro, and atomic force microscopy experiments
J Liu, GER Weller, B Zern, PS Ayyaswamy, DM Eckmann, VR Muzykantov, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (38), 16530-16535, 2010
Small-scale temperature fluctuations in perfused tissue during local hyperthermia
JW Baish, PS Ayyaswamy, KR Foster
Dynamics of a microcarrier particle in the simulated microgravity environment of a rotating-wall vessel.
H Gao, PS Ayyaswamy, P Ducheyne
Microgravity science and technology 10 (3), 154-165, 1997
A front tracking method for a deformable intravascular bubble in a tube with soluble surfactant transport
J Zhang, DM Eckmann, PS Ayyaswamy
Journal of Computational physics 214 (1), 366-396, 2006
Numerical study of wall effects on buoyant gas-bubble rise in a liquid-filled finite cylinder
K Mukundakrishnan, S Quan, DM Eckmann, PS Ayyaswamy
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (3 …, 2007
3D bone tissue engineered with bioactive microspheres in simulated microgravity
QQ Qiu, P Ducheyne, PS Ayyaswamy
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Animal 37 (3), 157-165, 2001
Formation and differentiation of three-dimensional rat marrow stromal cell culture on microcarriers in a rotating-wall vessel
Q Qiu, P Ducheyne, H Gao, P Ayyaswamy
Tissue engineering 4 (1), 19-34, 1998
Nanoparticle Brownian motion and hydrodynamic interactions in the presence of flow fields
B Uma, TN Swaminathan, R Radhakrishnan, DM Eckmann, ...
Physics of fluids 23 (7), 2011
Hydrodynamics and heat transfer associated with condensation on a moving drop: solutions for intermediate Reynolds numbers
T Sundararajan, PS Ayyaswamy
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 149, 33-58, 1984
Bone cell survival in microgravity: evidence that modeled microgravity increases osteoblast sensitivity to apoptogens
MA Bucaro, J Fertala, CS Adams, M Steinbeck, P Ayyaswamy, ...
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1027 (1), 64-73, 2004
The effect of simulated microgravity on osteoblasts is independent of the induction of apoptosis
MA Bucaro, AM Zahm, MV Risbud, PS Ayyaswamy, K Mukundakrishnan, ...
Journal of cellular biochemistry 102 (2), 483-495, 2007
Flow past a liquid drop with a large non-uniform radial velocity
SS Sadhal, PS Ayyaswamy
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 133, 65-81, 1983
Multivalent binding of nanocarrier to endothelial cells under shear flow
J Liu, NJ Agrawal, A Calderon, PS Ayyaswamy, DM Eckmann, ...
Biophysical journal 101 (2), 319-326, 2011
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Articles 1–20