Sigalit Ronen
Cited by
Cited by
CSR by any other name? The differential impact of substantive and symbolic CSR attributions on employee outcomes
MBL Donia, S Ronen, CA Tetrault Sirsly, S Bonaccio
Journal of Business Ethics 157, 503-523, 2019
Predicting employees' satisfaction and burnout from managers' attachment and caregiving orientations
S Ronen, M Mikulincer
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 21 (6), 828-849, 2012
Attachment orientations and job burnout: The mediating roles of team cohesion and organizational fairness
S Ronen, M Mikulincer
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 26 (4), 549-567, 2009
Employee attributions of corporate social responsibility as substantive or symbolic: Validation of a measure
MBL Donia, CA Tetrault Sirsly, S Ronen
Applied Psychology 66 (1), 103-142, 2017
Can business students learn to evaluate better? Evidence from repeated exposure to a peer-evaluation system
S Brutus, MBL Donia, S Ronen
Academy of Management Learning & Education 12 (1), 18-31, 2013
Hypersensitivity to social rejection and perceived stress as mediators between attachment anxiety and future burnout: A prospective analysis
S Ronen, MW Baldwin
Applied Psychology 59 (3), 380-403, 2010
How does secure attachment affect job performance and job promotion? The role of social-rank behaviors
S Ronen, DC Zuroff
Journal of Vocational Behavior 100, 137-148, 2017
Gender differences in engineers’ burnout
S Ronen, A Malach Pines
Equal Opportunities International 27 (8), 677-691, 2008
Stifling my fire: The impact of abusive supervision on employees’ motivation and ensuing outcomes at work
S Ronen, MBL Donia
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones 36 (3), 205-214, 2020
The foundation of autonomous motivation in the workplace: An attachment perspective
S Ronen, M Mikulincer
The Oxford handbook of work engagement, motivation, and self-determination …, 2014
The influence of feminist self-definition on the democratic attitudes of managers
AM Pines, H Dahan-Kalev, S Ronen
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 29 (6), 607-615, 2001
Predicting employee's satisfaction and burnout from managers' attachment and caregiving
S Ronen, M Mikulincer
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada, 2010
Gender differences in burnout: a literature review
MP Ayala, S Ronen
New directions in organizational psychology and behavioral medicine, 107-122, 2016
Determinants of intrapreneurship among high-tech engineers
S Ronen
Handbook of research on high-technology entrepreneurs, 2010
Employee loyalty and telecommuting
W Wang, S Ronen
International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering 5 (5), 618-620, 2011
Gender differences in burnout
AM Pines, S Ronen
New Directions in Organizational Psychology and Behavioral Medicine …, 2011
Validation of a Measure of Employee Attributions of CSR as Substantive or Symbolic
M Donia, S Ronen, CA Tetrault Sirsly
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 12556, 2015
Attachment orientations, stress and job performance: The mediating role of social rank strategies
S Ronen, D Zuroff
annual meeting of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada: Niagra …, 2009
Emotional costs of service labor: do consumers care?
N Moran, S Ronen
Journal of Services Marketing 35 (8), 977-987, 2021
The Theorized Relationship between Organizational (Non) Compliance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Human Rights and Desired Employee Workplace Outcomes
MBL Donia, SH Carrasco, S Seck, R McCorquodale, S Ronen
Sustainability 12 (5), 2130, 2020
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Articles 1–20