Zheng-Tong Xie
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Cited by
Efficient generation of inflow conditions for large eddy simulation of street-scale flows
ZT Xie, IP Castro
Flow, turbulence and combustion 81, 449-470, 2008
LES and RANS for turbulent flow over arrays of wall-mounted obstacles
Z Xie, IP Castro
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 76 (3), 291-312, 2006
Large-eddy simulation of flows over random urban-like obstacles
ZT Xie, O Coceal, IP Castro
Boundary-layer meteorology 129, 1-23, 2008
Large-eddy simulation for flow and dispersion in urban streets
ZT Xie, IP Castro
Atmospheric Environment 43 (13), 2174-2185, 2009
Divergence-free turbulence inflow conditions for large-eddy simulations with incompressible flow solvers
Y Kim, IP Castro, ZT Xie
Computers & Fluids 84, 56-68, 2013
Modelling the effect of freestream turbulence on dynamic stall of wind turbine blades
Y Kim, ZT Xie
Computers & Fluids 129, 53-66, 2016
Large-eddy simulation of dispersion from surface sources in arrays of obstacles
VBL Boppana, ZT Xie, IP Castro
Boundary-layer meteorology 135, 433-454, 2010
Peak loading and surface pressure fluctuations of a tall model building
SJ Daniels, IP Castro, ZT Xie
Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics 120, 19-28, 2013
Measurements and computations of flow in an urban street system
IP Castro, ZT Xie, V Fuka, AG Robins, M Carpentieri, P Hayden, D Hertwig, ...
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 162, 207-230, 2017
Numerical analysis of freestream turbulence effects on the vortex-induced vibrations of a rectangular cylinder
SJ Daniels, IP Castro, ZT Xie
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 153, 13-25, 2016
Developing a research strategy to better understand, observe, and simulate urban atmospheric processes at kilometer to subkilometer scales
J Barlow, M Best, SI Bohnenstengel, P Clark, S Grimmond, H Lean, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 (10), ES261-ES264, 2017
Scalar fluxes near a tall building in an aligned array of rectangular buildings
V Fuka, ZT Xie, IP Castro, P Hayden, M Carpentieri, AG Robins
Boundary-layer meteorology 167, 53-76, 2018
Large-eddy simulation of approaching-flow stratification on dispersion over arrays of buildings
ZT Xie, P Hayden, CR Wood
Atmospheric Environment 71, 64-74, 2013
Large-eddy simulation of dispersion: comparison between elevated and ground‐level sources
Z Xie, P Hayden, PR Voke, AG Robins
Journal of Turbulence 5 (1), 031, 2004
Thermal stratification effects on flow over a generic urban canopy
VBL Boppana, ZT Xie, IP Castro
Boundary-layer meteorology 153, 141-162, 2014
Modelling street-scale flow and dispersion in realistic winds—towards coupling with mesoscale meteorological models
ZT Xie
Boundary-layer meteorology 141, 53-75, 2011
Large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow over a rough surface
Z Xie, PR Voke, P Hayden, AG Robins
Boundary-layer meteorology 111, 417-440, 2004
A note on spatial averaging and shear stresses within urban canopies
ZT Xie, V Fuka
Boundary-layer meteorology 167, 171-179, 2018
姚德良, 朱进生, 谢正桐, 李新荣, 张景光, 刘立超
中国沙漠 21 (3), 286, 2001
Evaluation of fast atmospheric dispersion models in a regular street network
D Hertwig, L Soulhac, V Fuka, T Auerswald, M Carpentieri, P Hayden, ...
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 18, 1007-1044, 2018
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Articles 1–20