Judith Gal-Ezer
Judith Gal-Ezer
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A high school program in computer science
J Gal-Ezer, C Beeri, D Harel, A Yehudai
Computer 28 (10), 73-80, 1995
What (else) should CS educators know?
J Gal-Ezer, D Harel
Communications of the ACM 41 (9), 77-84, 1998
A tale of two countries: Successes and challenges in K-12 computer science education in Israel and the United States
J Gal-Ezer, C Stephenson
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) 14 (2), 1-18, 2014
A model for high school computer science education: The four key elements that make it!
O Hazzan, J Gal-Ezer, L Blum
Proceedings of the 39th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science …, 2008
Computer science teacher preparation is critical
J Gal-Ezer, C Stephenson
ACM Inroads 1 (1), 61-66, 2010
Curriculum and course syllabi for a high-school CS program
J Gal-Ezer, D Harel
Computer Science Education 9 (2), 114-147, 1999
The new educational imperative: Improving high school computer science education
C Stephenson, J Gal-Ezer, B Haberman, A Verno
Final Report of the CSTA Curriculum Improvement Task Force, 2005
Skills required for participating in CMC courses: An empirical study
Z Erlich, I Erlich-Philip, J Gal-Ezer
Computers & Education 44 (4), 477-487, 2005
The efficiency of algorithms—misconceptions
J Gal-Ezer, E Zur
Computers & Education 42 (3), 215-226, 2004
Integrating internet tools into traditional CS distance education: Students' attitudes
J Gal-Ezer, D Lupo
Computers & Education 38 (4), 319-329, 2002
Informatics for all the strategy
ME Caspersen, J Gal-Ezer, A McGettrick, E Nardelli
ACM, 2018
Ensuring Exemplary Teaching in an Essential Discipline: Addressing the Crisis in Computer Science Teacher Certification: Final report of the CSTA Teacher Certification Task Force
B Ericson, M Armoni, J Gal-Ezer, D Seehorm, C Stephenson, F Trees
Association for Computing Machinery & Computer Science Teachers Association, 2008
Early computing education: why? what? when? who?
M Armoni, J Gal-Ezer
ACM Inroads 5 (4), 54-59, 2014
Informatics as a fundamental discipline for the 21st century
ME Caspersen, J Gal-Ezer, A McGettrick, E Nardelli
Communications of the ACM 62 (4), 58-58, 2019
A survey of computer science teacher preparation programs in Israel tells us: Computer science deserves a designated high school teacher preparation!
N Ragonis, O Hazzan, J Gal-Ezer
Proceedings of the 41st ACM technical symposium on Computer science …, 2010
Informatics education in europe: Are we all in the same boat?
J Vahrenhold, M Caspersen, G Berry, J Gal-Ezer, M Kölling, A McGettrick, ...
ACM and Informatics Europe, 2017
High school computer science education paves the way for higher education: the Israeli case
M Armoni, J Gal-Ezer
Computer Science Education 24 (2-3), 101-122, 2014
The current state of computer science in US high schools: A report from two national surveys
J Gal-Ezer, C Stephenson
Journal for Computing Teachers 1 (13), 1-5, 2009
Fundamental concepts of CS1: procedural vs. object oriented paradigm-a case study
T Vilner, E Zur, J Gal-Ezer
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 39 (3), 171-175, 2007
Computing curricula 2020 (CC2020): paradigms for future computing curricula
A Clear, A Parrish, J Impagliazzo, P Wang, P Ciancarini, ...
ACM/IEEE Computer Society, 2020
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Articles 1–20