Daniela Cimini
Daniela Cimini
Department of Biological Sciences and Fralin Life Sciences Institute, Virginia Tech
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Kinetochore microtubule dynamics and attachment stability are regulated by Hec1
JG DeLuca, WE Gall, C Ciferri, D Cimini, A Musacchio, ED Salmon
Cell 127 (5), 969-982, 2006
Merotelic kinetochore orientation is a major mechanism of aneuploidy in mitotic mammalian tissue cells
D Cimini, B Howell, P Maddox, A Khodjakov, F Degrassi, ED Salmon
The Journal of cell biology 153 (3), 517-528, 2001
The Mad1/Mad2 complex as a template for Mad2 activation in the spindle assembly checkpoint
A De Antoni, CG Pearson, D Cimini, JC Canman, V Sala, L Nezi, ...
Current Biology 15 (3), 214-225, 2005
Multipolar spindle pole coalescence is a major source of kinetochore mis-attachment and chromosome mis-segregation in cancer cells
WT Silkworth, IK Nardi, LM Scholl, D Cimini
PloS one 4 (8), e6564, 2009
Chromosomes can congress to the metaphase plate before biorientation
TM Kapoor, MA Lampson, P Hergert, L Cameron, D Cimini, ED Salmon, ...
Science 311 (5759), 388-391, 2006
Aurora kinase promotes turnover of kinetochore microtubules to reduce chromosome segregation errors
D Cimini, X Wan, CB Hirel, ED Salmon
Current Biology 16 (17), 1711-1718, 2006
Merotelic kinetochore orientation occurs frequently during early mitosis in mammalian tissue cells and error correction is achieved by two different mechanisms
D Cimini, B Moree, JC Canman, ED Salmon
Journal of cell science 116 (20), 4213-4225, 2003
Merotelic kinetochore attachment: causes and effects
J Gregan, S Polakova, L Zhang, IM Tolić-Nĝrrelykke, D Cimini
Trends in cell biology 21 (6), 374-381, 2011
Merotelic kinetochore orientation, aneuploidy, and cancer
D Cimini
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Reviews on Cancer 1786 (1), 32-40, 2008
Cyclophilin 20-3 relays a 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid signal during stress responsive regulation of cellular redox homeostasis
SW Park, W Li, A Viehhauser, B He, S Kim, AK Nilsson, MX Andersson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (23), 9559-9564, 2013
Anaphase spindle mechanics prevent mis-segregation of merotelically oriented chromosomes
D Cimini, LA Cameron, ED Salmon
Current Biology 14 (23), 2149-2155, 2004
Merotelic kinetochore orientation versus chromosome mono-orientation in the origin of lagging chromosomes in human primary cells
D Cimini, D Fioravanti, ED Salmon, F Degrassi
Journal of cell science 115 (3), 507-515, 2002
Histone hyperacetylation in mitosis prevents sister chromatid separation and produces chromosome segregation defects
D Cimini, M Mattiuzzo, L Torosantucci, F Degrassi
Molecular biology of the cell 14 (9), 3821-3833, 2003
Aneuploidy: a matter of bad connections
D Cimini, F Degrassi
Trends in cell biology 15 (8), 442-451, 2005
The mitotic origin of chromosomal instability
SF Bakhoum, WT Silkworth, IK Nardi, JM Nicholson, DA Compton, ...
Current Biology 24 (4), R148-R149, 2014
Timing of centrosome separation is important for accurate chromosome segregation
WT Silkworth, IK Nardi, R Paul, A Mogilner, D Cimini
Molecular biology of the cell 23 (3), 401-411, 2012
A fraction of mouse sperm chromatin is organized in nucleosomal hypersensitive domains enriched in retroposon DNA
C Pittoggi, L Renzi, G Zaccagnini, D Cimini, F Degrassi, R Giordano, ...
Journal of cell science 112 (20), 3537-3548, 1999
Overlap microtubules link sister k-fibres and balance the forces on bi-oriented kinetochores
J Kajtez, A Solomatina, M Novak, B Polak, K Vukušić, J Rüdiger, G Cojoc, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 10298, 2016
Merotelic kinetochores in mammalian tissue cells
ED Salmon, D Cimini, LA Cameron, JG DeLuca
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 360 …, 2005
Aurora A kinase contributes to a pole-based error correction pathway
AY Anna, J Deretic, CM Hoel, AW Hinman, D Cimini, JP Welburn, ...
Current Biology 25 (14), 1842-1851, 2015
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Articles 1–20