John D. Eastwood
John D. Eastwood
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, York University
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The unengaged mind: Defining boredom in terms of attention
JD Eastwood, A Frischen, MJ Fenske, D Smilek
Perspectives on psychological science 7 (5), 482-495, 2012
Differential attentional guidance by unattended faces expressing positive and negative emotion
JD Eastwood, D Smilek, PM Merikle
Perception & psychophysics 63 (6), 1004-1013, 2001
Perception without awareness: Perspectives from cognitive psychology
PM Merikle, D Smilek, JD Eastwood
Cognition 79 (1-2), 115-134, 2001
Development and validation of the multidimensional state boredom scale
SA Fahlman, KB Mercer-Lynn, DB Flora, JD Eastwood
Assessment 20 (1), 68-85, 2013
Modulation of focused attention by faces expressing emotion: evidence from flanker tasks.
MJ Fenske, JD Eastwood
Emotion 3 (4), 327, 2003
Visual search for faces with emotional expressions.
A Frischen, JD Eastwood, D Smilek
Psychological bulletin 134 (5), 662, 2008
Boredom: An emotional experience distinct from apathy, anhedonia, or depression
YK Goldberg, JD Eastwood, J LaGuardia, J Danckert
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 30 (6), 647-666, 2011
Cognitive ethology: A new approach for studying human cognition
A Kingstone, D Smilek, JD Eastwood
British Journal of Psychology 99 (3), 317-340, 2008
Does a lack of life meaning cause boredom? Results from psychometric, longitudinal, and experimental analyses
SA Fahlman, KB Mercer, P Gaskovski, AE Eastwood, JD Eastwood
Journal of social and clinical psychology 28 (3), 307-340, 2009
Negative facial expression captures attention and disrupts performance
JD Eastwood, D Smilek, PM Merikle
Perception & psychophysics 65 (3), 352-358, 2003
Attention, researchers! It is time to take a look at the real world
A Kingstone, D Smilek, J Ristic, C Kelland Friesen, JD Eastwood
Current Directions in Psychological Science 12 (5), 176-180, 2003
Is boredom associated with problem gambling behaviour? It depends on what you mean by ‘boredom’
KB Mercer, JD Eastwood
International Gambling Studies 10 (1), 91-104, 2010
A desire for desires: Boredom and its relation to alexithymia
JD Eastwood, C Cavaliere, SA Fahlman, AE Eastwood
Personality and Individual Differences 42 (6), 1035-1045, 2007
Does state boredom cause failures of attention? Examining the relations between trait boredom, state boredom, and sustained attention
A Hunter, JD Eastwood
Experimental Brain Research 236, 2483-2492, 2018
Causes of boredom: The person, the situation, or both?
KB Mercer-Lynn, RJ Bar, JD Eastwood
Personality and Individual Differences 56, 122-126, 2014
Relax! Cognitive strategy influences visual search
D Smilek, JT Enns, JD Eastwood, PM Merikle
Visual Cognition 14 (4-8), 543-564, 2006
The measurement of boredom: Differences between existing self-report scales
KB Mercer-Lynn, DB Flora, SA Fahlman, JD Eastwood
Assessment 20 (5), 585-596, 2013
Individuals with social phobia are biased to become aware of negative faces
J Eastwood, D Smile, J Oakman, P Farvolden, M van Ameringen, ...
Visual Cognition 12 (1), 159-179, 2005
Personality and boredom proneness in the prediction of creativity and curiosity
JA Hunter, EH Abraham, AG Hunter, LC Goldberg, JD Eastwood
Thinking Skills and Creativity 22, 48-57, 2016
Does unattended information facilitate change detection?
D Smilek, JD Eastwood, PM Merikle
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 26 (2), 480, 2000
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Articles 1–20