Yan Jin
Yan Jin
Professor of Environmental soil Physics and Enviromental Engineering
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Uptake, translocation, and accumulation of manufactured iron oxide nanoparticles by pumpkin plants
H Zhu, J Han, JQ Xiao, Y Jin
Journal of Environmental monitoring 10 (6), 713-717, 2008
Removal and inactivation of waterborne viruses using zerovalent iron
Y You, J Han, PC Chiu, Y Jin
Environmental science & technology 39 (23), 9263-9269, 2005
Kinetics of coupled primary-and secondary-minimum deposition of colloids under unfavorable chemical conditions
C Shen, B Li, Y Huang, Y Jin
Environmental science & technology 41 (20), 6976-6982, 2007
Characterizing the dependence of gas diffusion coefficient on soil properties
Y Jin, WA Jury
Soil Science Society of America Journal 60 (1), 66-71, 1996
Effect of dissolved organic matter on the stability of magnetite nanoparticles under different pH and ionic strength conditions
JD Hu, Y Zevi, XM Kou, J Xiao, XJ Wang, Y Jin
Science of the Total Environment 408 (16), 3477-3489, 2010
Fate and transport of viruses in porous media
Y Jin, M Flury
Advances in agronomy 77, 39-102, 2002
Virus removal and transport in saturated and unsaturated sand columns
Y Jin, Y Chu, Y Li
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 43 (2), 111-128, 2000
Retention and transport of silica nanoparticles in saturated porous media: effect of concentration and particle size
C Wang, AD Bobba, R Attinti, C Shen, V Lazouskaya, LP Wang, Y Jin
Environmental science & technology 46 (13), 7151-7158, 2012
Sorption of viruses during flow through saturated sand columns
Y Jin, MV Yates, SS Thompson, WA Jury
Environmental Science & Technology 31 (2), 548-555, 1997
Mechanisms of virus removal during transport in unsaturated porous media
Y Chu, Y Jin, M Flury, MV Yates
Water Resources Research 37 (2), 253-263, 2001
Virus retention and transport through Al-oxide coated sand columns: effects of ionic strength and composition
J Zhuang, Y Jin
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 60 (3-4), 193-209, 2003
Virus retention and transport as influenced by different forms of soil organic matter
J Zhuang, Y Jin
Journal of environmental quality 32 (3), 816-823, 2003
Plant growth‐promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) reduce evaporation and increase soil water retention
W Zheng, S Zeng, H Bais, JM LaManna, DS Hussey, DL Jacobson, Y Jin
Water Resources Research 54 (5), 3673-3687, 2018
Retention and transport of amphiphilic colloids under unsaturated flow conditions: Effect of particle size and surface property
J Zhuang, J Qi, Y Jin
Environmental science & technology 39 (20), 7853-7859, 2005
Effect of soil properties on saturated and unsaturated virus transport through columns
Y Chu, Y Jin, T Baumann, MV Yates
Journal of Environmental Quality 32 (6), 2017-2025, 2003
Root water uptake and profile soil water as affected by vertical root distribution
GR Yu, J Zhuang, K Nakayama, Y Jin
Plant Ecology 189, 15-30, 2007
Estimating water retention characteristic from soil particle-size distribution using a non-similar media concept
J Zhuang, Y Jin, T Miyazaki
Soil Science 166 (5), 308-321, 2001
Next-generation multifunctional carbon–metal nanohybrids for energy and environmental applications
D Wang, NB Saleh, W Sun, CM Park, C Shen, N Aich, WJGM Peijnenburg, ...
Environmental science & technology 53 (13), 7265-7287, 2019
Colloid-facilitated Cs transport through water-saturated Hanford sediment and Ottawa sand
J Zhuang, M Flury, Y Jin
Environmental science & technology 37 (21), 4905-4911, 2003
Surface roughness effect on deposition of nano‐and micro‐sized colloids in saturated columns at different solution ionic strengths
C Shen, B Li, C Wang, Y Huang, Y Jin
Vadose Zone Journal 10 (3), 1071-1081, 2011
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