James Edward Calvert
James Edward Calvert
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Cited by
Search for transient variations of the fine structure constant and dark matter using fiber-linked optical atomic clocks
BM Roberts, P Delva, A Al-Masoudi, A Amy-Klein, C Baerentsen, ...
New Journal of Physics 22 (9), 093010, 2020
Precise and accurate measurements of strong-field photoionization and a transferable laser intensity calibration standard
WC Wallace, O Ghafur, C Khurmi, S Sainadh U, JE Calvert, DE Laban, ...
Physical review letters 117 (5), 053001, 2016
Transverse electron momentum distribution in tunneling and over the barrier ionization by laser pulses with varying ellipticity
IA Ivanov, AS Kheifets, JE Calvert, S Goodall, X Wang, H Xu, AJ Palmer, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 19002, 2016
Population dynamics in a metastable neon magneto-optical trap
RD Glover, JE Calvert, RT Sang
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (2), 023415, 2013
Optical control of collision dynamics in a metastable neon magneto-optical trap
RD Glover, JE Calvert, DE Laban, RT Sang
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 44 (24), 245202, 2011
The interaction of excited atoms and few-cycle laser pulses
JE Calvert, H Xu, AJ Palmer, RD Glover, DE Laban, XM Tong, AS Kheifets, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 34101, 2016
Exploiting the two-dimensional magneto-optical trapping of for a mercury optical lattice clock
C Guo, V Cambier, J Calvert, M Favier, M Andia, L de Sarlo, S Bize
Physical Review A 107 (3), 033116, 2023
A mercury optical lattice clock with improved magic wavelength control
C Guo, M Favier, J Calvert, V Cambier, N Galland, L De Sarlo, S Bize
2017 Joint Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum and IEEE …, 2017
Transverse electron momentum distribution in tunneling and over the barrier ionization by strong-field laser pulses
JE Calvert, S Goodall, X Wang, H Xu, AJ Palmer, IA Ivanov, AS Kheifets, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (9), 092073, 2015
The interaction of ultrashort laser pulses and exotic atoms
JE Calvert, H Xu, AJ Palmer, X Wang, D Kielpinksi, I Litvinyuk, RT Sang
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (9), 092066, 2015
Mercury optical lattice clock with a 2D magneto-optical trap
M Andia, C Guo, V Cambier, J Calvert, L de Sarlo, S Bize, E Cantin, D Xu, ...
International conference on quantum Metrology and Sensing (IQuMS) 2019, 2019
A mercury optical lattice clock at LNE-SYRTE: Highly accurate optical frequency ratio measurements for exploring fundamental physics
C Guo, V Cambier, J Calvert, M Favier, M Andia, L de Sarlo, S Bize
Quantum Metrology and Physics beyond the Standard Model, 2019
Towards Using a 2D Magneto-Optical Trap to Improve a Mercury Optical Lattice Clock
V Cambier, C Guo, J Calvert, L De Sarlo, S Bize
2019 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium …, 2019
A mercury optical lattice clock in LNE-SYRTE
C Guo, V Cambier, J Calvert, M Favier, L de Sarlo, S Bize
8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology 2015, 2018
Exploiting coherent fiber links with a Hg optical lattice clock
L de Sarlo, M Favier, V Cambier, J Calvert, C Guo, J Lodewyck, ...
EFTF (European Frequency and Time Forum), 2018
Mercury optical lattice clock
V Cambier, M Favier, N Galland, J Calvert, C Guo, L de Sarlo, S Bize
Young Atom Opticians 2017, 2017
Percent-level accuracy in measuring strong-field photoionization and laser intensity
WC Wallace, O Ghafur, C Khurmi, S Sainadh, JE Calvert, DE Laban, ...
International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, UTh4A. 29, 2016
Metastable noble gas atoms in strong-field ionization experiments
JE Calvert, AJ Palmer, IV Litvinyuk, RT Sang
High Power Laser Science and Engineering 4, e29, 2016
Breakdown of the Strong-Field Approximation for Transverse Electron Momentum Distributions in Strong-Field Ionization
R Sang, JE Calvert, S Goodall, X Wang, H Xu, AJ Palmer, IA Ivanov, ...
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2015 …, 2015
Percent-level accuracy in measuring photoionisation yields and peak intensities for intense few-cycle laser pulses
D Kielpinski, WC Wallace, O Ghafur, JE Calvert, C Khurmi, DE Laban, ...
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts, K1. 122, 2014
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Articles 1–20