Andrea Gerlak
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Cited by
Agrivoltaics provide mutual benefits across the food–energy–water nexus in drylands
GA Barron-Gafford, MA Pavao-Zuckerman, RL Minor, LF Sutter, ...
Nature Sustainability 2 (9), 848-855, 2019
Building a conceptual approach to collective learning: Lessons for public policy scholars
T Heikkila, AK Gerlak
Policy Studies Journal 41 (3), 484-512, 2013
The formation of large‐scale collaborative resource management institutions: Clarifying the roles of stakeholders, science, and institutions
T Heikkila, AK Gerlak
Policy Studies Journal 33 (4), 583-612, 2005
Building a theory of learning in collaboratives: Evidence from the Everglades Restoration Program
AK Gerlak, T Heikkila
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 21 (4), 619-644, 2011
Adaptation in collaborative governance regimes
K Emerson, AK Gerlak
Environmental management 54, 768-781, 2014
Challenges of mainstreaming green infrastructure in built environment professions
AA Zuniga-Teran, C Staddon, L de Vito, AK Gerlak, S Ward, Y Schoeman, ...
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 63 (4), 710-732, 2020
New directions in earth system governance research
S Burch, A Gupta, CYA Inoue, A Kalfagianni, Å Persson, AK Gerlak, A Ishii, ...
Earth system governance 1, 100006, 2019
Water security: A review of place-based research
AK Gerlak, L House-Peters, RG Varady, T Albrecht, A Zúñiga-Terán, ...
Environmental science & policy 82, 79-89, 2018
Contributions of green infrastructure to enhancing urban resilience
C Staddon, S Ward, L De Vito, A Zuniga-Teran, AK Gerlak, Y Schoeman, ...
Environment Systems and Decisions 38, 330-338, 2018
Water resources data and information exchange in transboundary water treaties
AK Gerlak, J Lautze, M Giordano
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 11, 179-199, 2011
Science–policy processes for transboundary water governance
D Armitage, RC De Loë, M Morris, TWD Edwards, AK Gerlak, RI Hall, ...
Ambio 44, 353-366, 2015
The promise and performance of collaborative governance
AK Gerlak, T Heikkila, M Lubell
Learning our way out of environmental policy problems: A review of the scholarship
AK Gerlak, T Heikkila, SL Smolinski, D Huitema, D Armitage
Policy Sciences 51, 335-371, 2018
Understanding human–landscape interactions in the “Anthropocene”
CP Harden, A Chin, MR English, R Fu, KA Galvin, AK Gerlak, ...
Environmental management 53, 4-13, 2014
Groundwater governance in the United States: Common priorities and challenges
SB Megdal, AK Gerlak, RG Varady, LY Huang
Groundwater 53 (5), 677-684, 2015
Comparing collaborative mechanisms in large-scale ecosystem governance
AK Gerlak, T Heikkila
Natural Resources Journal, 657-707, 2006
Federalism and US water policy: Lessons for the twenty-first century
AK Gerlak
Publius: The Journal of Federalism 36 (2), 231-257, 2006
Interorganizational engagement in collaborative environmental management: Evidence from the South Florida ecosystem restoration task force
R Berardo, T Heikkila, AK Gerlak
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 24 (3), 697-719, 2014
Urban resilience and green infrastructure systems: Towards a multidimensional evaluation
AA Zuniga-Teran, AK Gerlak, B Mayer, TP Evans, KE Lansey
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 44, 42-47, 2020
The nexus: reconsidering environmental security and adaptive capacity
R De Grenade, L House-Peters, CA Scott, B Thapa, M Mills-Novoa, ...
Current opinion in environmental sustainability 21, 15-21, 2016
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Articles 1–20