Jose-Miguel Tejero
Jose-Miguel Tejero
University of Vienna (Austria). Department of Evolutionary Anthropology
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Cited by
Dynamics of polar filament discharge and sporoplasm expulsion by microsporidian spores
E Frixione, L Ruiz, M Santillán, LV de Vargas, JM Tejero, AH Undeen
Cell motility and the cytoskeleton 22 (1), 38-50, 1992
Red deer antler technology and early modern humans in Southeast Europe: an experimental study
JM Tejero, M Christensen, P Bodu
Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (2), 332-346, 2012
Radiocarbon chronology of Manot cave, Israel and Upper Paleolithic dispersals
B Alex, O Barzilai, I Hershkovitz, O Marder, F Berna, V Caracuta, ...
Science Advances 3 (11), e1701450, 2017
The Châtelperronian Neanderthals of Cova Foradada (Calafell, Spain) used imperial eagle phalanges for symbolic purposes
A Rodríguez-Hidalgo, JI Morales, A Cebrià, LA Courtenay, ...
Science advances 5 (11), eaax1984, 2019
Towards complexity in osseous raw material exploitation by the first anatomically modern humans in Europe: Aurignacian antler working
JM Tejero
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 36, 72-92, 2014
La explotación de las materias óseas en el Auriñaciense: caracterización tecnoeconómica de las producciones del Paleotítico superior inicial en la Península Ibérica
JMT Cáceres
Archaeopress, 2013
The Magdalenian in Catalonia (northeast Iberia)
JM Fullola, X Mangado, JM Tejero, MÀ Petit, MM Bergadà, J Nadal, ...
Quaternary International 272, 55-74, 2012
Assessing bone and antler exploitation at Riparo Mochi (Balzi Rossi, Italy): implications for the characterization of the Aurignacian in South-western Europe
JM Tejero, S Grimaldi
Journal of Archaeological Science 61, 59-77, 2015
Trampled under foot: A quartz and chert human trampling experiment at the Cova del Parco rock shelter, Spain
K Driscoll, J Alcaina, N Égüez, X Mangado, JM Fullola, JM Tejero
Quaternary International 424, 130-142, 2016
Nuevos territorios, nuevos grafismos: una visión del Paleolítico superior en Catalunya a inicios del siglo XXI
X Mangado, JM Tejero, JM Fullola, MA Petit, P García-Argüelles, M García, ...
El Paleolítico superior peninsular. Novedades del siglo XXI, 63-83, 2010
Low NO concentration dependence of reductive nitrosylation reaction of hemoglobin
J Tejero, S Basu, C Helms, N Hogg, SB King, DB Kim-Shapiro, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 (22), 18262-18274, 2012
The osseous industry from Manot Cave (Western Galilee, Israel): Technical and conceptual behaviours of bone and antler exploitation in the Levantine Aurignacian
JM Tejero, R Yeshurun, O Barzilai, M Goder-Goldberger, I Hershkovitz, ...
Quaternary International 403, 90-106, 2016
El Castillo (Cantabria, northern Iberia) and the Transitional Aurignacian: Using radiocarbon dating to assess site taphonomy
R Wood, FB de Quirós, JM Maíllo-Fernández, JM Tejero, A Neira, ...
Quaternary International 474, 56-70, 2018
The middle-to-upper paleolithic transition occupations from Cova foradada (calafell, NE Iberia)
JI Morales, A Cebria, A Burguet-Coca, JL Fernandez-Marchena, ...
PLos One 14 (5), e0215832, 2019
Spray drying yogurt incorporating hydrocolloids: Structural analysis, acetaldehyde content, viable bacteria, and rheological properties
MP Rascón-Díaz, JM Tejero, PG Mendoza-Garcia, HS García, ...
Food and Bioprocess Technology 5, 560-567, 2012
Osseous technology as a reflection of chronological, economic and sociological aspects of Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers: Examples from key Aurignacian and Gravettian sites in …
N Goutas, JM Tejero
Quaternary International 403, 79-89, 2016
La explotación de las materias duras animales en el Paleolítico superior inicial. Una aproximación tecno-económica a las producciones óseas auriñacienses en la Península Ibérica
JM Tejero
PhD dissertation. UNED Madrid University, 2010
La Unidad 18 de la Cueva de El Castillo (Puente Viesgo, Cantabria): el Auriñaciense de transición, definición e implicaciones
V Cabrera Valdés, F Bernaldo de Quirós Guidotti, ...
Sautuola: Revista del Instituto de Prehistoria y Arqueología Sautuola 11, 11-37, 2005
Spanish Aurignacian projectile points: an example of the first European Paleolithic hunting weapons in osseous materials
JM Tejero
Osseous projectile weaponry: Towards an understanding of Pleistocene …, 2016
Human landscapes of the Late Glacial Period in the interior of the Iberian Peninsula: La Peña de Estebanvela (Segovia, Spain)
C Cacho, JA Martos, J Jordá-Pardo, J Yravedra, C Sesé, L Zapata, ...
Quaternary International 272, 42-54, 2012
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Articles 1–20