Cyril Guyot
Cited by
Cited by
Indirection systems for shingled-recording disk drives
Y Cassuto, MAA Sanvido, C Guyot, DR Hall, ZZ Bandic
2010 IEEE 26th Symposium on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST), 1-14, 2010
Opening the chrysalis: On the real repair performance of {MSR} codes
L Pamies-Juarez, F Blagojevic, R Mateescu, C Gyuot, EE Gad, Z Bandic
14th USENIX conference on file and storage technologies (FAST 16), 81-94, 2016
Needles in a haystack: Mining information from public dynamic analysis sandboxes for malware intelligence
M Graziano, D Canali, L Bilge, A Lanzi, E Shi, D Balzarotti, M van Dijk, ...
24th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 15), 1057-1072, 2015
Techniques for storing shingle blocks in a cache memory using a data storage device
M Sanvido, C Guyot, AK Kulkarni, Z Bandic, M Chen
US Patent 7,965,465, 2011
Implementing secure erase for solid state drives
C Guyot, ZZ Bandic, Y Cassuto, AM Espeseth, M Sanvido
US Patent 8,250,380, 2012
Implementing enhanced data read for multi-level cell (MLC) memory using threshold voltage-drift or resistance drift tolerant moving baseline memory data encoding
ZZ Bandic, LM Franca-Neto, C Guyot, RE Mateescu
US Patent 9,208,871, 2015
Optimized privacy-preserving cnn inference with fully homomorphic encryption
D Kim, C Guyot
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 18, 2175-2187, 2023
{DC} express: Shortest latency protocol for reading phase change memory over {PCI} express
D Vučinić, Q Wang, C Guyot, R Mateescu, F Blagojević, L Franca-Neto, ...
12th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 14), 309-315, 2014
Shingled file system host-side management of shingled magnetic recording disks
D Le Moal, Z Bandic, C Guyot
2012 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 425-426, 2012
Storage cluster and method that efficiently store small objects with erasure codes
A Manzanares, L Pamies-Juarez, C Guyot, K De KEYSER, M Christiaens, ...
US Patent 10,120,576, 2018
Repair-optimal MDS array codes over GF (2)
EE Gad, R Mateescu, F Blagojevic, C Guyot, Z Bandic
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 887-891, 2013
Managing I/O operations in a storage network
F Blagojevic, C Guyot
US Patent 10,540,323, 2020
{ZEA}, A Data Management Approach for {SMR}
A Manzanares, N Watkins, C Guyot, D LeMoal, C Maltzahn, Z Bandic
8th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (HotStorage 16), 2016
Towards robust file system checkers
OR Gatla, M Zheng, M Hameed, V Dubeyko, A Manzanares, F Blagojevic, ...
ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS) 14 (4), 1-25, 2018
Techniques for encrypting data on storage devices using an intermediate key
M Sanvido, AK Kulkarni, C Guyot, RMH New, JC De Souza
US Patent 8,315,394, 2012
Implementing enhanced data partial-erase for multi-level cell (MLC) memory using threshold voltage-drift or resistance drift tolerant moving baseline memory data encoding
ZZ Bandic, LM Franca-Neto, C Guyot, RE Mateescu
US Patent 8,792,272, 2014
Explicit algorithm for the arithmetic on the hyperelliptic Jacobians of genus 3
C Guyot, K Kaveh, VM Patankar
Journal-Ramanujan Mathematical Society 19 (2), 75-115, 2004
Shingled magnetic recording disk drive with minimization of the effect of far track erasure on adjacent data bands
ZZ Bandic, C Guyot, T Harayama, RE Mateescu, SH Thorstenson, TK Tsai
US Patent 8,537,481, 2013
Distributed data storage with reduced storage overhead using reduced-dependency erasure codes
L Pamies-Juarez, C Guyot, RE Mateescu
US Patent 10,146,618, 2018
Latency command processing for solid state drive interface protocol
F Chu, ZZ Bandic, D Vucinic, C Guyot, Q Wang
US Patent 9,563,367, 2017
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20