Meenakshi Dutt
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Cited by
Investigation of particle packing in model pharmaceutical powders using X-ray microtomography and discrete element method
X Fu, M Dutt, AC Bentham, BC Hancock, RE Cameron, JA Elliott
Powder Technology 167 (3), 134-140, 2006
Modeling the self-assembly of lipids and nanotubes in solution: forming vesicles and bicelles with transmembrane nanotube channels
M Dutt, O Kuksenok, MJ Nayhouse, SR Little, AC Balazs
ACS nano 5 (6), 4769-4782, 2011
Self-Assembly and Critical Aggregation Concentration Measurements of ABA Triblock Copolymers with Varying B Block Types: Model Development, Prediction and Validation
JKMD F. Aydin, X. Chu, G. Upplaldadium, D. Devore, R. Goyal, N. S. Murthy, Z ...
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120 (15), 3666–3676, 2016
Forming transmembrane channels using end-functionalized nanotubes
M Dutt, O Kuksenok, SR Little, AC Balazs
Nanoscale 3 (1), 240-250, 2011
Interactions of end-functionalized nanotubes with lipid vesicles: spontaneous insertion and nanotube self-organization
M Dutt, M J Nayhouse, O Kuksenok, S R Little, A C Balazs
Current Nanoscience 7 (5), 699-715, 2011
An implementation of granular dynamics for simulating frictional elastic particles based on the DL_POLY code
M Dutt, B Hancock, C Bentham, J Elliott
Computer Physics Communications 166 (1), 26-44, 2005
Phase segregation in bio-inspired multi-component vesicles encompassing double tail phospholipid species
F Aydin, P Ludford, M Dutt
Soft Matter 10 (32), 6096-6108, 2014
Energy dissipation and clustering for a cooling granular material on a substrate
B Painter, M Dutt, RP Behringer
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 175 (1-2), 43-68, 2003
Design of PAMAM-COO dendron-grafted surfaces to promote Pb(II) ion adsorption
LCM Dutt
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17, 10615-10623, 2015
Flow-induced shape reconfiguration, phase separation, and rupture of bio-inspired vesicles
X Chu, X Yu, J Greenstein, F Aydin, G Uppaladadium, M Dutt
ACS nano 11 (7), 6661-6671, 2017
The design of shape-tunable hairy vesicles
MD Fikret Aydin, Geetartha Uppaladadium
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 128, 268–275, 2015
Designing phenylalanine-based hybrid biological materials: controlling morphology via molecular composition
S Mushnoori, K Schmidt, V Nanda, M Dutt
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 16 (14), 2499-2507, 2018
Modeling Interactions between Multicomponent Vesicles and Antimicrobial Peptide-Inspired Nanoparticles
MD Xiaolei Chu, Fikret Aydin
ACS Nano 10 (8), 7351 - 7361, 2016
Implicit Solvent Coarse-Grained Model of Polyamidoamine Dendrimers: Role of Generation and pH
FAMD L. Chong
Journal of Computational Chemistry 37 (10), 2015
Granular dynamics simulations of the effect of grain size dispersity on uniaxially compacted powder blends
M Dutt, JA Elliott
Granular Matter 16, 243-248, 2014
Bioinspired vesicles encompassing two-tail phospholipids: Self-assembly and phase segregation via implicit solvent coarse-grained molecular dynamics
F Aydin, M Dutt
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (29), 8614-8623, 2014
Peptide-based vesicles and droplets: a review
S Mushnoori, CY Lu, K Schmidt, E Zang, M Dutt
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33 (5), 053002, 2020
Surface Reconfiguration of Binary Lipid Vesicles Via Electrostatically-induced Nanoparticle Adsorption
FAM Dutt
Journal of Physical Chemistry 120 (27), 6646–6656, 2016
Harnessing Nanoscale Confinement to Design Sterically Stable Vesicles of Specific Shapes via Self-Assembly
MD Fikret Aydin, Geetartha Uppaladadium
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119 (32), 10207–10215, 2015
Designing tunable bio-nanostructured materials via self-assembly of amphiphilic lipids and functionalized nanotubes
M Dutt, O Kuksenok, AC Balazs
MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 1464, mrss12-1464-rr08-09, 2012
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Articles 1–20