Elias Amselem
Elias Amselem
Uppsala Univercity
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State-independent quantum contextuality with single photons
E Amselem, M Rådmark, M Bourennane, A Cabello
Physical review letters 103 (16), 160405, 2009
Experimental implementation of a Kochen-Specker set of quantum tests
V D’Ambrosio, I Herbauts, E Amselem, E Nagali, M Bourennane, ...
Physical Review X 3 (1), 011012, 2013
Experimental four-qubit bound entanglement
E Amselem, M Bourennane
Nature Physics 5 (10), 748-752, 2009
Experimental fully contextual correlations
E Amselem, LE Danielsen, AJ López-Tarrida, JR Portillo, M Bourennane, ...
Physical review letters 108 (20), 200405, 2012
DNA surface exploration and operator bypassing during target search
E Marklund, B van Oosten, G Mao, E Amselem, K Kipper, A Sabantsev, ...
Nature 583 (7818), 858-861, 2020
Two fundamental experimental tests of nonclassicality with qutrits
J Ahrens, E Amselem, A Cabello, M Bourennane
Scientific Reports 3 (1), 2170, 2013
Pointwise error estimates in localization microscopy
M Lindén, V Ćurić, E Amselem, J Elf
Nature communications 8 (1), 15115, 2017
Proposed experiments of qutrit state-independent contextuality and two-qutrit contextuality-based nonlocality
A Cabello, E Amselem, K Blanchfield, M Bourennane, I Bengtsson
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (3), 032108, 2012
Experimental measurement-device-independent entanglement detection
M Nawareg, S Muhammad, E Amselem, M Bourennane
Scientific reports 5 (1), 8048, 2015
Comment on “State-independent experimental test of quantum contextuality in an indivisible system”
E Amselem, M Bourennane, C Budroni, A Cabello, O Gühne, ...
Physical review letters 110 (7), 078901, 2013
Experimental bound entanglement through a Pauli channel
E Amselem, M Sadiq, M Bourennane
Scientific reports 3 (1), 1966, 2013
Real-time single-molecule 3D tracking in E. coli based on cross-entropy minimization
E Amselem, B Broadwater, T Hävermark, M Johansson, J Elf
Nature Communications 14 (1), 1336, 2023
Bounding quantum theory with the exclusivity principle in a two-city experiment
M Nawareg, F Bisesto, V D'Ambrosio, E Amselem, F Sciarrino, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1311.3495, 2013
Passive and active EO sensing of small surface vessels
O Steinvall, F Berglund, L Allard, J Öhgren, H Larsson, E Amselem, ...
Electro-Optical Remote Sensing, Photonic Technologies, and Applications IX …, 2015
Measurements and analysis of active/passive multispectral imaging
C Grönwall, D Hamoir, O Steinvall, H Larsson, E Amselem, P Lutzmann, ...
Electro-Optical Remote Sensing, Photonic Technologies, and Applications VII …, 2013
Dynamics of Quantum Correlations with photons
E Amselem
Universitetsservice US-AB, Stockholm 13, 2011
M, Bourennane and A. Cabello
E Amselem, M Radmark
Phys. Rev. Lett 103, 160405, 2009
Direct observation of rotation-coupled protein diffusion along DNA on the microsecond timescale
E Marklund, E Amselem, K Kipper, X Zheng, M Johansson, S Deindl, J Elf
bioRxiv, 401414, 2018
Reply to'Experimental bound entanglement?'
E Amselem, M Bourennane
Nature Physics 6 (11), 827-827, 2010
Three-dimensional localization of fluorescent proteins in living Escherichia coli
P Karempudi, K Gras, E Amselem, S Zikrin, J Elf
bioRxiv, 2023.10. 20.563292, 2023
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Articles 1–20