Gad Rabinowitz
Gad Rabinowitz
Professor of Industrial Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
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A two-item newsboy problem with substitutability
M Khouja, A Mehrez, G Rabinowitz
International journal of production economics 44 (3), 267-275, 1996
Cycle-time key factor identification and prediction in semiconductor manufacturing using machine learning and data mining
Y Meidan, B Lerner, G Rabinowitz, M Hassoun
IEEE transactions on semiconductor manufacturing 24 (2), 237-248, 2011
Computerized community cholesterol control (4C): meeting the challenge of secondary prevention
H Gilutz, L Novack, P Shvartzman, J Zelingher, DY Bonneh, Y Henkin, ...
The Israel Medical Association Journal 11 (1), 23, 2009
A partial backorder control for continuous review (r, Q) inventory system with Poisson demand and constant lead time
G Rabinowitz, A Mehrez, CW Chu, BE Patuwo
Computers & operations research 22 (7), 689-700, 1995
Do patients with diabetes and low socioeconomic status receive less care and have worse outcomes? A national study
AB Jotkowitz, G Rabinowitz, AR Segal, R Weitzman, L Epstein, A Porath
The American journal of medicine 119 (8), 665-669, 2006
Mining relational patterns from multiple relational tables
MS Tsechansky, N Pliskin, G Rabinowitz, A Porath
Decision Support Systems 27 (1-2), 177-195, 1999
Optimal knowledge outsourcing model
A Gavious, G Rabinowitz
Omega 31 (6), 451-457, 2003
Inspection allocation for multistage deteriorating production systems
H Emmons, G Rabinowitz
IIE Transactions 34 (12), 1031-1041, 2002
Economic optimization of project risk management efforts
I Ben-David, G Rabinowitz, T Raz
The Israel Institute of Business Research, 2002
Modeling cost benefit analysis of inspection in a production line
I Tirkel, G Rabinowitz
International Journal of Production Economics 147, 38-45, 2014
In-line inspection impact on cycle time and yield
I Tirkel, N Reshef, G Rabinowitz
IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 22 (4), 491-498, 2009
Optimal and heuristic inspection schedules for multistage production systems
G Rabinowitz, H Emmons
IIE transactions 29 (12), 1063-1071, 1997
Capital budgeting using contingent claims analysis: a tutorial
P Ritchken, G Rabinowitz
Advances in Futures Options Research 3, 119-143, 1988
Optimal robot operation and selection using quality and output trade-off
M Khouja, G Rabinowitz, A Mehrez
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 10, 342-355, 1995
A scheduling model for multirobot assembly cells
G Rabinowitz, A Mehrez, S Samaddar
International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 3, 149-180, 1991
Cost-optimal net zero energy communities
S Isaac, S Shubin, G Rabinowitz
Sustainability 12 (6), 2432, 2020
Wafer fabrication yield learning and cost analysis based on in-line inspection
I Tirkel, G Rabinowitz, D Price, D Sutherland
International Journal of Production Research 54 (12), 3578-3590, 2016
A dynamic two-segment partial backorder control of (r, Q) inventory system
CW Chu, BE Patuwo, A Mehrez, G Rabinowitz
Computers & Operations Research 28 (10), 935-953, 2001
An experimental analysis of solution performance in a resource sharing and scheduling problem
S Samaddar, G Rabinowitz, GP Zhang
European Journal of Operational Research 165 (1), 139-156, 2005
The “door-to-needle blitz” in acute myocardial infarction: the impact of a CQI project
H Gilutz, A Battler, I Rabinowitz, Y Snir, A Porath, G Rabinowitz
The Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement 24 (6), 323-333, 1998
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