Melanie Moses
Cited by
Cited by
Shifts in metabolic scaling, production, and efficiency across major evolutionary transitions of life
JP DeLong, JG Okie, ME Moses, RM Sibly, JH Brown
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (29), 12941-12945, 2010
A general model for effects of temperature on ectotherm ontogenetic growth and development
W Zuo, ME Moses, GB West, C Hou, JH Brown
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1734), 1840-1846, 2012
A general basis for quarter-power scaling in animals
JR Banavar, ME Moses, JH Brown, J Damuth, A Rinaldo, RM Sibly, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (36), 15816-15820, 2010
Energy uptake and allocation during ontogeny
C Hou, W Zuo, ME Moses, WH Woodruff, JH Brown, GB West
science 322 (5902), 736-739, 2008
Cities as organisms: Allometric scaling of urban road networks
H Samaniego, ME Moses
Journal of Transport and Land use 1 (1), 21-39, 2008
Revisiting a model of ontogenetic growth: estimating model parameters from theory and data
ME Moses, C Hou, WH Woodruff, GB West, JC Nekola, W Zuo, JH Brown
The American Naturalist 171 (5), 632-645, 2008
Beyond pheromones: evolving error-tolerant, flexible, and scalable ant-inspired robot swarms
JP Hecker, ME Moses
Swarm Intelligence 9, 43-70, 2015
Lifetime reproductive effort
EL Charnov, R Warne, M Moses
The American Naturalist 170 (6), E129-E142, 2007
Liquid brains, solid brains
R Solé, M Moses, S Forrest
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374 (1774), 20190040, 2019
Human macroecology: Linking pattern and process in big‐picture human ecology
WR Burnside, JH Brown, O Burger, MJ Hamilton, M Moses, ...
Biological Reviews 87 (1), 194-208, 2012
Global patterns of city size distributions and their fundamental drivers
EH Decker, AJ Kerkhoff, ME Moses
PLoS One 2 (9), e934, 2007
Population stability, cooperation, and the invasibility of the human species
MJ Hamilton, O Burger, JP DeLong, RS Walker, ME Moses, JH Brown
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (30), 12255-12260, 2009
Persistence and adaptation in immunity: T cells balance the extent and thoroughness of search
GM Fricke, KA Letendre, ME Moses, JL Cannon
PLoS computational biology 12 (3), e1004818, 2016
Allometry of human fertility and energy use
ME Moses, JH Brown
Ecology Letters 6 (4), 295-300, 2003
The allometry of host-pathogen interactions
JM Cable, BJ Enquist, ME Moses
PloS one 2 (11), e1130, 2007
Estimating biologically relevant parameters under uncertainty for experimental within-host murine West Nile virus infection
S Banerjee, J Guedj, RM Ribeiro, M Moses, AS Perelson
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 13 (117), 20160130, 2016
Formica ex Machina: Ant Swarm Foraging from Physical to Virtual and Back Again
JP Hecker, K Letendre, K Stolleis, D Washington, ME Moses
Swarm Intelligence: 8th International Conference, ANTS 2012, Brussels …, 2012
Quantitative measurement of naïve T cell association with dendritic cells, FRCs, and blood vessels in lymph nodes
H Tasnim, GM Fricke, JR Byrum, JO Sotiris, JL Cannon, ME Moses
Frontiers in immunology 9, 1571, 2018
Ovarian tumor attachment, invasion, and vascularization reflect unique microenvironments in the peritoneum: insights from xenograft and mathematical models
MP Steinkamp, KK Winner, S Davies, C Muller, Y Zhang, RM Hoffman, ...
Frontiers in oncology 3, 97, 2013
Fast and flexible: Argentine ants recruit from nearby trails
TP Flanagan, NM Pinter-Wollman, ME Moses, DM Gordon
PloS one 8 (8), e70888, 2013
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Articles 1–20