Daniel A. Dalquen
Daniel A. Dalquen
Research Associate, University College London
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Cited by
Standardized benchmarking in the quest for orthologs
AM Altenhoff, B Boeckmann, S Capella-Gutierrez, DA Dalquen, T DeLuca, ...
Nature methods 13 (5), 425-430, 2016
ALF—a simulation framework for genome evolution
DA Dalquen, M Anisimova, GH Gonnet, C Dessimoz
Molecular biology and evolution 29 (4), 1115-1123, 2012
OMA standalone: orthology inference among public and custom genomes and transcriptomes
AM Altenhoff, J Levy, M Zarowiecki, B Tomiczek, AW Vesztrocy, ...
Genome research 29 (7), 1152-1163, 2019
Bidirectional best hits miss many orthologs in duplication-rich clades such as plants and animals
DA Dalquen, C Dessimoz
Genome biology and evolution 5 (10), 1800-1806, 2013
Coalescent Analysis of Phylogenomic Data Confidently Resolves the Species Relationships in the Anopheles gambiae Species Complex
Y Thawornwattana, D Dalquen, Z Yang
Molecular biology and evolution 35 (10), 2512-2527, 2018
Gene copy number variation and its significance in cyanobacterial phylogeny
BE Schirrmeister, DA Dalquen, M Anisimova, HC Bagheri
BMC microbiology 12, 1-15, 2012
Maximum likelihood implementation of an isolation-with-migration model for three species
DA Dalquen, T Zhu, Z Yang
Systematic Biology 66 (3), 379-398, 2017
The impact of gene duplication, insertion, deletion, lateral gene transfer and sequencing error on orthology inference: a simulation study
DA Dalquen, AM Altenhoff, GH Gonnet, C Dessimoz
PloS one 8 (2), e56925, 2013
Designing simple and efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo proposal kernels
Y Thawornwattana, D Dalquen, Z Yang
Quest for Orthologs consortium, Toni Gabaldón, Suzanna E Lewis, Paul D Thomas, Erik Sonnhammer, and Christophe Dessimoz. Standardized benchmarking in the quest for orthologs
AM Altenhoff, B Boeckmann, S Capella-Gutierrez, DA Dalquen, T DeLuca, ...
Nature Methods 13, 425-430, 2016
Hardware accelerating audio coding algorithms
F Mayer, D Dalquen, T Dettbarn
2006 Digest of Technical Papers International Conference on Consumer …, 2006
Corrigendum: OMA standalone: orthology inference among public and custom genomes and transcriptomes
AM Altenhoff, J Levy, M Zarowiecki, B Tomiczek, AW Vesztrocy, ...
Genome Research 30 (6), 9382, 2020
OMA standalone: orthology inference among public and custom genomes and transcriptomes (vol 29, pg 1152, 2019)
AM Altenhoff, J Levy, M Zarowiecki, B Tomiczek, AW Vesztrocy, ...
GENOME RESEARCH 30 (6), 938-938, 2020
Corrigendum: Human auditory ossicles as an alternative optimal source of ancient DNA
AM Altenhoff, J Levy, M Zarowiecki, B Tomiczek, AW Vesztrocy, ...
Genome Research 30, 427-436, 2020
Simulating evolution for studies in comparative genomics
D Dalquen
ETH Zurich, 2013
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Articles 1–15