philip stamp
philip stamp
Professor of Physics, University of British Columbia
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Theory of the spin bath
NV Prokof'Ev, PCE Stamp
Reports on Progress in Physics 63 (4), 669, 2000
Low-temperature quantum relaxation in a system of magnetic nanomolecules
NV Prokof'Ev, PCE Stamp
Physical review letters 80 (26), 5794, 1998
Spin-based quantum computers made by chemistry: hows and whys
PCE Stamp, A Gaita-Arino
Journal of Materials Chemistry 19 (12), 1718-1730, 2009
Quantum tunneling of magnetization in solids
PCE Stamp, EM Chudnovsky, B Barbara
International Journal of Modern Physics B 6 (09), 1355-1473, 1992
Topological multicritical point in the phase diagram of the toric code model and three-dimensional lattice gauge Higgs model
IS Tupitsyn, A Kitaev, NV Prokof’Ev, PCE Stamp
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (8), 085114, 2010
Tabletop experiments for quantum gravity: a user’s manual
D Carney, PCE Stamp, JM Taylor
Classical and Quantum Gravity 36 (3), 034001, 2019
Decoherence in crystals of quantum molecular magnets
S Takahashi, IS Tupitsyn, J Van Tol, CC Beedle, DN Hendrickson, ...
Nature 476 (7358), 76-79, 2011
Quantum relaxation of magnetisation in magnetic particles
NV Prokof'Ev, PCE Stamp
Journal of low temperature physics 104, 143-209, 1996
Kosterlitz-Thouless transition of fluxless solitons in superconducting single crystals
PCE Stamp, L Forro, C Ayache
Physical Review B 38 (4), 2847, 1988
Quantum dynamics and tunneling of domain walls in ferromagnetic insulators
PCE Stamp
Physical review letters 66 (21), 2802, 1991
Search for anomalous internal magnetic fields in high- superconductors as evidence for broken time-reversal symmetry
RF Kiefl, JH Brewer, I Affleck, JF Carolan, P Dosanjh, WN Hardy, T Hsu, ...
Physical review letters 64 (17), 2082, 1990
Sharp transition for single polarons in the one-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model
DJJ Marchand, G De Filippis, V Cataudella, M Berciu, N Nagaosa, ...
Physical review letters 105 (26), 266605, 2010
Pairwise decoherence in coupled spin qubit networks
A Morello, PCE Stamp, IS Tupitsyn
Physical review letters 97 (20), 207206, 2006
Quantum tunneling of domain walls in ferromagnets
EM Chudnovsky, O Iglesias, PCE Stamp
Physical Review B 46 (9), 5392, 1992
Giant spins and topological decoherence: a Hamiltonian approach
NV Prokof'Ev, PCE Stamp
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 5 (50), L663, 1993
Stability of Bose-Einstein condensates of hot magnons in yttrium iron garnet films
IS Tupitsyn, PCE Stamp, AL Burin
Physical review letters 100 (25), 257202, 2008
Low-energy properties of two-dimensional fermions with long-range current-current interactions
DV Khveshchenko, PCE Stamp
Physical review letters 71 (13), 2118, 1993
Staircase behaviour in the magnetization reversal of a chemically disordered magnet at low temperature
M Uehara, B Barbara, B Dieny, PCE Stamp
Physics Letters A 114 (1), 23-26, 1986
Significance of the Hyperfine Interactions in the Phase Diagram of
M Schechter, PCE Stamp
Physical review letters 95 (26), 267208, 2005
Tunnelling secrets extracted.
PCE Stamp
Nature 383 (6596), 1996
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Articles 1–20