Luan Silveira
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Cited by
An open-source bio-inspired solution to underwater SLAM
L Silveira, F Guth, P Drews-Jr, P Ballester, M Machado, F Codevilla, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (2), 212-217, 2015
Underwater SLAM: Challenges, state of the art, algorithms and a new biologically-inspired approach
F Guth, L Silveira, S Botelho, P Drews, P Ballester
5th IEEE RAS/EMBS international conference on biomedical robotics and …, 2014
Influence of habitat and land use on the assemblages of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera in neotropical streams
PHM Amaral, LS Silveira, BFJV Rosa, VC Oliveira, RG Alves
Journal of Insect Science 15 (1), 60, 2015
Colonization by oligochaetes (Annelida: Clitellata) in decomposing leaves of Eichhornia azurea (SW.) Kunth (Pontederiaceae) in a neotropical lentic system
RT Martins, LS Silveira, RG Alves
Annales de Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology 47 (4), 339-346, 2011
The leaf breakdown of Picramnia sellowii (Picramniales: Picramniaceae) as index of anthropic disturbances in tropical streams
MP Lopes, RT Martins, LS Silveira, RG Alves
Brazilian Journal of Biology 75, 846-853, 2015
Underwater visual 3D SLAM using a bio-inspired system
FA Guth, L Silveira, M Amaral, S Botelho, P Drews
2013 symposium on computing and automation for offshore shipbuilding, 87-92, 2013
Influence of pools and riffles on Chironomidae diversity in headwater streams of the Atlantic forest
LS Silveira, B Rosa, EA Gonçalves, RG Alves
Neotropical entomology 44, 423-429, 2015
3D robotic mapping: A biologic approach
L Silveira, F Guth, P Drews, S Botelho
2013 16th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 1-6, 2013
Autonomous navigation for underground energy line inspection robot
E Estrada, L Silveira, E Gonc, N Duarte Filho, V de Oliveira, S Botelho
2010 1st International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry …, 2010
Space D* A path-planning algorithm for multiple robots in unknown environments
L Silveira, RQ Maffei, SSC Botelho, PL Drews, AL Bicho, NL Duarte Filho
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 18, 363-373, 2012
Biological inspired system for localization and mapping in underwater environments
L Silveira, F Guth, D Fisher, F Codevilla, P Drews, S Botelho
2013 OCEANS-San Diego, 1-6, 2013
Challenges and state-of-the-art solutions to underwater SLAM
F Guth, L Silveira, S Botelho, P Drews
2014 Symposium on Automation and Computation for Naval, Offshore and Subsea …, 2014
Using Space D* for Crowded Real Robots Environments
L Silveira, RQ Maffei, F Almeida, M Longaray, SSC Botelho, PJL Drews Jr, ...
2012 Brazilian Robotics Symposium and Latin American Robotics Symposium, 273-278, 2012
Navigation system for an underground distribution inspection platform using simulation
E Estrada, L Silveira, V de Oliveira, S Botelho
2010 Latin American Robotics Symposium and Intelligent Robotics Meeting, 109-114, 2010
Space D*: um algoritmo para path-planning multi-robôs
RQ Maffei, SSC Botelho, L Silveira, P Drews Jr, NL Duarte Filho, AL Bicho, ...
Proceedings of the VIII ENIA/CSBC, 607-618, 2011
Sistema de navegação para um robô de inspeção de linhas subterrâneas de distribuição
E Estrada, L Silveira, VM de Oliveira, S Botelho
Congresso Brasileiro de Automática (CBA), 2010
Decomposição de folhas de Picramnia sellowii (Picramniales: Picramniaceae) como índice de distúrbio antrópicos em riachos tropicais
MP Lopes, RT Martins, LS Silveira, RG Alves
Brazilian Journal of Biology 75, 846-853, 2015
Sistema Bioinspirado para Mapeamento e Localização de Robôs Móveis em Ambientes Subaquáticos
L Silveira
Arquitetura de navegação autônoma de linhas subterrâneas de distribuição de energia
E Estrada, L Silveira, U Corrêa, V De Oliveira, SS da Costa Botelho
VETOR-Revista de Ciências Exatas e Engenharias 18 (1), 32-45, 2008
L Silveira, FA Guth, SSC Botelho, PJL Drews Jr
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Articles 1–20