Fusheng Wang
Cited by
Cited by
Hadoop-GIS: A high performance spatial data warehousing system over MapReduce
A Aji, F Wang, H Vo, R Lee, Q Liu, X Zhang, J Saltz
Proceedings of the VLDB endowment international conference on very large …, 2013
Secure and trustable electronic medical records sharing using blockchain
A Dubovitskaya, Z Xu, S Ryu, M Schumacher, F Wang
AMIA annual symposium proceedings 2017, 650, 2018
Temporal management of RFID data
P Liu, F Wang
Proceedings of the 31st international conference on Very large data bases …, 2005
Bridging physical and virtual worlds: complex event processing for RFID data streams
F Wang, S Liu, P Liu, Y Bai
Advances in Database Technology-EDBT 2006: 10th International Conference on …, 2006
ACTION-EHR: Patient-Centric Blockchain-Based Electronic Health Record Data Management for Cancer Care
SRFW Alevtina Dubovitskaya, Furqan Baig, Zhigang Xu, Rohit Shukla, Pratik ...
Journal of Medical Internet Research 22 (8), 2020
Efficiently Filtering RFID Data Streams.
Y Bai, F Wang, P Liu
CleanDB, 2006
Ysmart: Yet another sql-to-mapreduce translator
R Lee, T Luo, Y Huai, F Wang, Y He, X Zhang
2011 31st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 25-36, 2011
Cancer Digital Slide Archive: an informatics resource to support integrated in silico analysis of TCGA pathology data
DA Gutman, J Cobb, D Somanna, Y Park, F Wang, T Kurc, JH Saltz, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 20 (6), 1091-1098, 2013
Complex RFID event processing
F Wang, S Liu, P Liu
The VLDB Journal 18, 913-931, 2009
Artificial intelligence in drug discovery: applications and techniques
J Deng, Z Yang, I Ojima, D Samaras, F Wang
Briefings in Bioinformatics 23 (1), bbab430, 2022
Machine-based morphologic analysis of glioblastoma using whole-slide pathology images uncovers clinically relevant molecular correlates
J Kong, LAD Cooper, F Wang, J Gao, G Teodoro, L Scarpace, ...
PloS one 8 (11), e81049, 2013
Integrated morphologic analysis for the identification and characterization of disease subtypes
LAD Cooper, J Kong, DA Gutman, F Wang, J Gao, C Appin, S Cholleti, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 19 (2), 317-323, 2012
RFID data processing with a data stream query language
Y Bai, F Wang, P Liu, C Zaniolo, S Liu
2007 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering, 1184-1193, 2006
A comparative study of demographic attribute inference in twitter
X Chen, Y Wang, E Agichtein, F Wang
Proceedings of the international AAAI conference on web and social media 9 …, 2015
Peer reviewed: factors affecting obesity and waist circumference Among US adults
D Kim, W Hou, F Wang, C Arcan
Preventing chronic disease 16, 2019
SATO: a spatial data partitioning framework for scalable query processing
H Vo, A Aji, F Wang
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL international conference on advances …, 2014
Applications of blockchain technology for data-sharing in oncology: Results from a systematic literature review
A Dubovitskaya, P Novotny, Z Xu, F Wang
Oncology 98 (6), 403-411, 2020
Systems, devices, and methods for managing RFID data
F Wang, P Liu
US Patent 7,481,368, 2009
Collaborative data and knowledge integration
F Wang
US Patent 8,239,455, 2012
Self supervised deep representation learning for fine-grained body part recognition
P Zhang, F Wang, Y Zheng
2017 IEEE 14th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI 2017 …, 2017
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Articles 1–20