Henning Schauenburg
Henning Schauenburg
Professor of Psychosomatics, University of Heidelberg
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Focal psychodynamic therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, and optimised treatment as usual in outpatients with anorexia nervosa (ANTOP study): randomised controlled trial
S Zipfel, B Wild, G Groß, HC Friederich, M Teufel, D Schellberg, KE Giel, ...
The Lancet 383 (9912), 127-137, 2014
Therapist effects on outcome and alliance in inpatient psychotherapy
U Dinger, M Strack, F Leichsenring, F Wilmers, H Schauenburg
Journal of clinical psychology 64 (3), 344-354, 2008
Assessing the Level of Structural Integration Using Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis (OPD): Implications for DSM–5
J Zimmermann, JC Ehrenthal, M Cierpka, H Schauenburg, S Doering, ...
Journal of personality assessment 94 (5), 522-532, 2012
The influence of psychodynamically oriented therapists' attachment representations on outcome and alliance in inpatient psychotherapy
H Schauenburg, A Buchheim, K Beckh, T Nolte, K Brenk-Franz, ...
Psychotherapy Research 20 (2), 193-202, 2010
Der OPD-Strukturfragebogen (OPD-SF): erste ergebnisse zu reliabilität und validität
JC Ehrenthal, U Dinger, L Horsch, M Komo-Lang, M Klinkerfuß, T Grande, ...
PPmP-Psychotherapie· Psychosomatik· Medizinische Psychologie 62 (01), 25-32, 2012
Therapists’ attachment, patients’ interpersonal problems and alliance development over time in inpatient psychotherapy.
U Dinger, M Strack, T Sachsse, H Schauenburg
Psychotherapy: Theory, research, practice, training 46 (3), 277, 2009
Evaluation der deutschsprachigen Version des Bindungsfragebogens „Experiences in Close Relationships–Revised”(ECR-RD)
JC Ehrenthal, U Dinger, A Lamla, B Funken, H Schauenburg
PPmP-Psychotherapie· Psychosomatik· Medizinische Psychologie 59 (06), 215-223, 2009
Association between insight and outcome of psychotherapy: Systematic review and meta-analysis
S Jennissen, J Huber, JC Ehrenthal, H Schauenburg, U Dinger
American Journal of Psychiatry 175 (10), 961-969, 2018
Measuring psychotherapeutic change with the symptom checklist SCL 90 R
H Schauenburg, M Strack
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 68 (4), 199-206, 1999
Assessing DSM–5 Level of Personality Functioning From Videotaped Clinical Interviews: A Pilot Study With Untrained and Clinically Inexperienced Students
J Zimmermann, C Benecke, DS Bender, AE Skodol, H Schauenburg, ...
Journal of personality assessment 96 (4), 397-409, 2014
Validierung einer deutschsprachigen 16-item-Version des Inventars der Persönlichkeitsorganisation (IPO-16)
J Zimmermann, C Benecke, S Hörz, M Rentrop, D Peham, A Bock, ...
Diagnostica, 2013
Self-criticism and psychotherapy outcome: A systematic review and meta-analysis
CA Loew, H Schauenburg, U Dinger
Clinical psychology review 75, 101808, 2020
First‐person pronoun use in spoken language as a predictor of future depressive symptoms: Preliminary evidence from a clinical sample of depressed patients
J Zimmermann, T Brockmeyer, M Hunn, H Schauenburg, M Wolf
Clinical psychology & psychotherapy 24 (2), 384-391, 2017
Quality and severity of depression in borderline personality disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis
J Köhling, JC Ehrenthal, KN Levy, H Schauenburg, U Dinger
Clinical Psychology Review 37, 13-25, 2015
Entwicklung einer Zwölf-Item-Version des OPD-Strukturfragebogens (OPD-SFK)/Development of a 12-item version of the OPD-Structure Questionnaire (OPD-SQS)
JC Ehrenthal, U Dinger, H Schauenburg, L Horsch, RW Dahlbender, ...
Zeitschrift für psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie 61 (3), 262-274, 2015
Empirically supported methods of short-term psychodynamic therapy in depression–towards an evidence-based unified protocol
F Leichsenring, H Schauenburg
Journal of Affective Disorders 169, 128-143, 2014
Attachment characteristics and treatment outcome following inpatient psychotherapy: Results of a multisite study
B Strauss, H Kirchmann, J Eckert, A Lobo-Drost, A Marquet, ...
Psychotherapy Research 16 (5), 579-594, 2006
Interpersonal problems, dependency, and self‐criticism in major depressive disorder
U Dinger, MS Barrett, J Zimmermann, H Schauenburg, AGC Wright, ...
Journal of clinical psychology 71 (1), 93-104, 2015
The ANTOP study: focal psychodynamic psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioural therapy, and treatment-as-usual in outpatients with anorexia nervosa-a randomized controlled trial
B Wild, HC Friederich, G Gross, M Teufel, W Herzog, KE Giel, M de Zwaan, ...
Trials 10, 1-7, 2009
Die Symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL-90-R) zur Darstellung von statistisch und klinischsignifikanten Psychotherapieergebnissen
H Schauenburg, M Strack
PPmP. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie 48 (7), 257-264, 1998
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