Caroline Prognon
Caroline Prognon
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Cited by
First palaeomagnetic dating of ferricrete in New Caledonia: new insight on the morphogenesis and palaeoweathering of ‘Grande Terre’
B Sevin, C Ricordel‐Prognon, F Quesnel, D Cluzel, S Lesimple, ...
Terra Nova 24 (1), 77-85, 2012
A drastic lower Miocene regolith evolution triggered by post obduction slab break‐off and uplift in New Caledonia
B Sevin, D Cluzel, P Maurizot, C Ricordel‐Prognon, G Chaproniere, ...
Tectonics 33 (9), 1787-1801, 2014
Peneplanation and lithosphere dynamics in the Pyrenees
GV Bosch, J Van Den Driessche, J Babault, A Robert, A Carballo, ...
Comptes Rendus Géoscience 348 (3-4), 194-202, 2016
Lateritic paleoweathering profiles in French Massif Central: paleomagnetic datings
C Ricordel‐Prognon, F Lagroix, MG Moreau, M Thiry
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B10), 2010
Notice de la carte géologique de Mayotte
P Nehlig, F Lacquement, J Bernard, M Caroff, J Deparis, T Jaouen, ...
BRGM: Orléans, France, 2013
Morphologic evolution of eastern Paris Basin:“ancient surfaces” and Quaternary incisions
I Cojan, J Brulhet, J Corbonnois, A Devos, J Gargani, D Harmand, ...
Mémoire de la Société géologique de France 178, 135-155, 2007
Reconstructing the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene continental paleosurface in and around the Paris and adjacent basins: new insights for paleogeographic, geodynamic and climatic …
F Quesnel, C Dupuis, J Yans, C Ricordel-Prognon, S Rad, JY Storme, ...
GNS Miscellanous series 18, 102-106, 2009
Regolith map of France
F Prognon, F Lacquement, C Ricordel‑Prognon, F Quesnel, P Nehlig, ...
Quaternaire. Revue de l'Association française pour l'étude du Quaternaire 22 …, 2011
Notice de la carte géologique de Mayotte BRGM
P Nehlig, F Lacquement, J Bernard, M Caroff, J Deparis, T Jaouen, ...
RP-61803-FR, 2013
Carte géologique de la France à 1: 50 000 (n 816), Le Monastier-sur-Gazeille (XXVIII-36)
E Defive, Y Meinard, G Courrioux, P Ledru, A Poiraud, C Prognon, ...
Notice explicative. Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières, Orléans, 2011
Étude des interactions entre les eaux souterraines, les eaux de surface et l’étang de Biguglia. Rapport final-Tranche 1
S Orofino, A Blondel, N Frissant, S Lanini, C Prognon, A Winckel
Rapport BRGM/RP-59068-FR, 2010
Les altérites: l'épiderme de la Terre.
C Ricordel-Prognon, M Thiry, F Quesnel
Géosciences 9, 56-63, 2009
Régolithe et sol: l’interface entre lithosphère et atmosphère
R Wyns, S Cornu, C Prognon
Géosciences, 8-15, 2014
Dating and weathering characterization of the Morialmé quarry (Entre Sambre and Meuse, Belgium)
F Barbier, C Ricordel-Prognon, F Quesnel, C Dupuis, J Yans
4ème congrès Français de Stratigraphie: Strati 2010, 2010
Persistent paléosurfaces in the basement of French Massif Central: geodynamic implications.
M Thiry, H Theveniaut, R Simon-Coinçon, C Ricordel-Prognon, F Lenoir, ...
Diagénèse: avancées récentes et perspectives, p. 113-117, 2014
Can we use the planation surface concept to reconstruct the morphogenesis of New Caledonia,? First low temperature thermochronological data
F Quesnel, J Barbarand, B Sevin, C Ricordel-Prognon, D Cluzel, ...
34t International Geological Congress, 2012
Datations par paléomagnétisme des paléoaltérations du Massif Central et de ses bordures: implications géodynamiques
C Ricordel-Prognon
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2007
Neogene weathering and terrestrial sedimentation in southern New Caledonia; inference on post-obduction tectonics and climate change
N Folcher, C Ricordel-Prognon, B Sevin, P Maurizot, D Cluzel, F Quesnel
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 16018, 2014
Recognizing pedogenic features in Paleogene sandstones and silcretes in Belgium. A key-feature for paleoenvironmental and sourcing material studies
JM Baele, V Cnudde, C Dupuis, F Quesnel, C Ricordel-Prognon, ...
International Geologica Belgica Meeting: GB 2012, p. 275, 2012
Sodium storage in deep paleoweathering profiles beneath the Paleozoic-Triassic unconformity
M Thiry, D Parcerisa, C Ricordel-Prognon, JM Schmitt
Geophysical Research Abstracts 11, 2009
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Articles 1–20