Claire Boyer
Claire Boyer
Sorbonne University
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Missing data imputation using optimal transport
B Muzellec, J Josse, C Boyer, M Cuturi
International Conference on Machine Learning, 7130-7140, 2020
On representer theorems and convex regularization
C Boyer, A Chambolle, YD Castro, V Duval, F De Gournay, P Weiss
SIAM Journal on Optimization 29 (2), 1260-1281, 2019
An analysis of block sampling strategies in compressed sensing
J Bigot, C Boyer, P Weiss
IEEE transactions on information theory 62 (4), 2125-2139, 2016
Compressed sensing with structured sparsity and structured acquisition
C Boyer, J Bigot, P Weiss
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 46 (2), 312-350, 2019
On the generation of sampling schemes for magnetic resonance imaging
C Boyer, N Chauffert, P Ciuciu, J Kahn, P Weiss
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 9 (4), 2039-2072, 2016
Imputation and low-rank estimation with missing not at random data
A Sportisse, C Boyer, J Josse
Statistics and Computing 30 (6), 1629-1643, 2020
An algorithm for variable density sampling with block-constrained acquisition
C Boyer, P Weiss, J Bigot
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 7 (2), 1080-1107, 2014
Estimation and imputation in probabilistic principal component analysis with missing not at random data
A Sportisse, C Boyer, J Josse
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 7067-7077, 2020
On the asymptotic rate of convergence of stochastic newton algorithms and their weighted averaged versions
C Boyer, A Godichon-Baggioni
Computational Optimization and Applications 84 (3), 921-972, 2023
HYR2PICS: Hybrid regularized reconstruction for combined parallel imaging and compressive sensing in MRI
C Boyer, P Ciuciu, P Weiss, S Mériaux
2012 9th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 66-69, 2012
Adapting to unknown noise level in sparse deconvolution
C Boyer, Y De Castro, J Salmon
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA 6 (3), 310-348, 2017
Convergence and error analysis of PINNs
N Doumèche, G Biau, C Boyer
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.01240, 2023
On oracle-type local recovery guarantees in compressed sensing
B Adcock, C Boyer, S Brugiapaglia
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA 10 (1), 1-49, 2021
Analyzing the tree-layer structure of deep forests
L Arnould, C Boyer, E Scornet
International Conference on Machine Learning, 342-350, 2021
Debiasing averaged stochastic gradient descent to handle missing values
A Sportisse, C Boyer, A Dieuleveut, J Josse
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 12957-12967, 2020
Near-optimal rate of consistency for linear models with missing values
A Ayme, C Boyer, A Dieuleveut, E Scornet
International Conference on Machine Learning, 1211-1243, 2022
Yohann De Castro, and Joseph Salmon
C Boyer
Adapting to unknown noise level in sparse deconvolution. Inf. Inference 6 (3 …, 2017
Sampling Rates for -Synthesis
M März, C Boyer, J Kahn, P Weiss
Foundations of Computational Mathematics 23 (6), 2089-2150, 2023
Robust Lasso‐Zero for sparse corruption and model selection with missing covariates
P Descloux, C Boyer, J Josse, A Sportisse, S Sardy
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 49 (4), 1605-1635, 2022
Is interpolation benign for random forest regression?
L Arnould, C Boyer, E Scornet
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 5493-5548, 2023
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Articles 1–20