Laurence Godin
Laurence Godin
Assistant professor, NUTRISS Research Center - Nutrition, Health and Society, Université Laval
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Challenging social norms to recraft practices: A Living Lab approach to reducing household energy use in eight European countries
M Sahakian, H Rau, E Grealis, L Godin, G Wallenborn, J Backhaus, F Friis, ...
Energy Research & Social Science 72, 101881, 2021
Cutting through conflicting prescriptions: How guidelines inform “healthy and sustainable” diets in Switzerland
L Godin, M Sahakian
Appetite 130, 123-133, 2018
Promoting ‘pro’,‘low’, and ‘no’meat consumption in Switzerland: The role of emotions in practices
M Sahakian, L Godin, I Courtin
Appetite 150, 104637, 2020
Doing laundry in consumption corridors: wellbeing and everyday life
L Godin, S Laakso, M Sahakian
Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy 16 (1), 99-113, 2020
Challenging practices: experiences from community and individual living lab approaches
K Matschoss, F Fahy, H Rau, J Backhaus, G Goggins, E Grealis, ...
Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy 17 (1), 135-151, 2021
Towards win–win policies for healthy and sustainable diets in Switzerland
A Ernstoff, KS Stylianou, M Sahakian, L Godin, A Dauriat, S Humbert, ...
Nutrients 12 (9), 2745, 2020
Care, gender, and change in the study of sustainable consumption: a critical review of the literature
L Godin, J Langlois
Frontiers in Sustainability 2, 725753, 2021
Care and consumption
L Godin
Consumption and Society, 1-9, 2022
Reflexivity through practice-informed student journals: how “sustainable wellbeing” relates to teleoaffectivities
M Sahakian, A Stroude, L Godin, I Courtin, F Fahy, D Fuchs, J Langlois
Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy 18 (1), 247-262, 2022
Saisir l’anorexie par le corps: de la subjectivité anorexique à la diversité des expériences
L Godin
Recherches féministes 27 (1), 31-47, 2014
Entre plaisir et contrôle: L’équilibre comme fondement de la normativité et de l’action dans l’alimentation contemporaine 1
L Godin
Ethnologies 33 (2), 69-97, 2011
Anorexie, boulimie et société: penser des corps qui dérangent
L Godin
PUQ, 2016
Transitioning to a vegetarian or vegan diet: fractures and continuities in biography and practice
L Godin
Consumption and Society 2 (2), 220-237, 2023
Report on the Analysis of ENERGISE Living Labs Data Across All Eight Participating Countries. ENERGISE (European Network for Research, Good Practice, and Innovation for …
M Sahakian, G Wallenborn, L Godin
Identifying the factors affecting the implementation of food waste reduction strategies in independent restaurants: Moving towards eco-efficiency
J Lévesque, L Godin, V Perreault, S Mikhaylin
Journal of Cleaner Production 440, 140765, 2024
La transformation des figures de la normativité et de l’individualité dans les analyses féministes de l’anorexie comme problème social
L Godin
Nouvelles pratiques sociales 27 (2), 97-111, 2015
Le mangeur en équilibre entre plaisir et contrôle: Les formes de la normativité dans l'alimentation contemporaine
L Godin
Université Laval, 2010
Revisiter le consumérisme au Québec: état des lieux, défis et perspectives
C Ouellet, L Godin, B Korai, AM Gosselin
Presses de l'Université Laval, 2022
Réduire la consommation énergétique des ménages par l’expérimentation, les Living Labs ENERGISE
M Sahakian, L Godin, G Wallenborn
SocioBrief, 2019
Cultivating change in food consumption practices: The reception of the social representation of alternative proteins by consumers
C Laviolette, L Godin
Appetite 199, 107391, 2024
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