Simi Haber
Cited by
Cited by
Optimal social choice functions: A utilitarian view
C Boutilier, I Caragiannis, S Haber, T Lu, AD Procaccia, O Sheffet
Artificial Intelligence 227, 190-213, 2015
Spatiotemporal signal propagation in complex networks
C Hens, U Harush, S Haber, R Cohen, B Barzel
Nature Physics 15 (4), 403-412, 2019
Support vector machine‐based differentiation between aggressive and chronic periodontitis using microbial profiles
M Feres, Y Louzoun, S Haber, M Faveri, LC Figueiredo, L Levin
International dental journal 68 (1), 39-46, 2018
Alternating quarantine for sustainable epidemic mitigation
D Meidan, N Schulmann, R Cohen, S Haber, E Yaniv, R Sarid, B Barzel
Nature communications 12 (1), 1-12, 2021
Emergent stability in complex network dynamics
C Meena, C Hens, S Acharyya, S Haber, S Boccaletti, B Barzel
Nature Physics 19 (7), 1033-1042, 2023
The effect of age and injury severity on clinical prediction rules for ambulation among individuals with spinal cord injury
E Engel-Haber, G Zeilig, S Haber, L Worobey, S Kirshblum
The Spine Journal 20 (10), 1666-1675, 2020
The logic of random regular graphs
S Haber, M Krivelevich
Journal of combinatorics 1 (4), 389-440, 2010
The isoperimetric constant of the random graph process
I Benjamini, S Haber, M Krivelevich, E Lubetzky
Random Structures & Algorithms 32 (1), 101-114, 2008
Ferromagnetic Potts models with multisite interaction
N Schreiber, R Cohen, S Haber
Physical Review E 97 (3), 032106, 2018
An almost linear time algorithm for finding Hamilton cycles in sparse random graphs with minimum degree at least three
A Frieze, S Haber
Random Structures & Algorithms 47 (1), 73-98, 2015
On the game chromatic number of sparse random graphs
A Frieze, S Haber, M Lavrov
SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics 27 (2), 768-790, 2013
The Number of -Matchings in Almost Every Tree is a Zero Residue
N Alon, S Haber, M Krivelevich
the electronic journal of combinatorics 18 (1), P30, 2011
Volume Prediction with Neural Networks
D Libman, S Haber, M Schaps
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 2, 21, 2019
Optimal shattering of complex networks
N Balashov, R Cohen, A Haber, M Krivelevich, S Haber
Applied Network Science 4 (1), 1-9, 2019
Forecasting quoted depth with the limit order book
D Libman, S Haber, M Schaps
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 4, 667780, 2021
On fractional K‐factors of random graphs
S Haber, M Krivelevich
Random Structures & Algorithms 30 (4), 441-463, 2007
Mutual information between order book layers
D Libman, G Ariel, M Schaps, S Haber
Entropy 24 (3), 343, 2022
Isomorphism for random k-uniform hypergraphs
D Chakraborti, A Frieze, S Haber, M Hasabnis
Information Processing Letters 166, 106039, 2021
Unusual changeover in the transition nature of local-interaction Potts models
N Schreiber, R Cohen, S Haber, G Amir, B Barzel
Physical Review E 100 (5), 052119, 2019
Efficient construction of diamond structures
A Weizmann, O Dunkelman, S Haber
International Conference on Cryptology in India, 166-185, 2017
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Articles 1–20