Feodor F. Dragan
Feodor F. Dragan
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Dually chordal graphs
A Brandstädt, F Dragan, V Chepoi, V Voloshin
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 11 (3), 437-455, 1998
Diameters, centers, and approximating trees of delta-hyperbolicgeodesic spaces and graphs
V Chepoi, F Dragan, B Estellon, M Habib, Y Vaxès
Proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual symposium on Computational geometry …, 2008
The algorithmic use of hypertree structure and maximum neighbourhood orderings
A Brandstädt, VD Chepoi, FF Dragan
Discrete Applied Mathematics 82 (1-3), 43-77, 1998
Metric tree‐like structures in real‐world networks: an empirical study
M Abu‐Ata, FF Dragan
Networks 67 (1), 49-68, 2016
Distance approximating trees for chordal and dually chordal graphs
A Brandstädt, V Chepoi, F Dragan
Journal of Algorithms 30 (1), 166-184, 1999
Convexity and HHD-free graphs
FF Dragan, F Nicolai, A Brandstädt
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 12 (1), 119-135, 1999
Summarizing transactional databases with overlapped hyperrectangles
Y Xiang, R Jin, D Fuhry, FF Dragan
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 23, 215-251, 2011
Diameter determination on restricted graph families
DG Corneil, FF Dragan, M Habib, C Paul
Discrete Applied Mathematics 113 (2-3), 143-166, 2001
New graph classes of bounded clique-width
A Brandstädt, FF Dragan, HO Le, R Mosca
Theory of Computing Systems 38 (5), 623-645, 2005
Additive spanners and distance and routing labeling schemes for hyperbolic graphs
V Chepoi, FF Dragan, B Estellon, M Habib, Y Vaxes, Y Xiang
Algorithmica 62, 713-732, 2012
LexBFS-orderings and powers of chordal graphs
A Brandstädt, FF Dragan, F Nicolai
Discrete Mathematics 171 (1-3), 27-42, 1997
Centers of graphs and the Helly property
FF Dragan
Ph. D. Thesis, Moldova State University, 1989
Tree spanners on chordal graphs: complexity and algorithms
A Brandstädt, FF Dragan, HO Le
Theoretical Computer Science 310 (1-3), 329-354, 2004
Dominating cliques in distance-hereditary graphs
FF Dragan
Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory, 370-381, 1994
On the power of BFS to determine a graph's diameter
DG Corneil, FF Dragan, E Köhler
Networks: An International Journal 42 (4), 209-222, 2003
A note on distance approximating trees in graphs
V Chepoi, F Dragan
European Journal of Combinatorics 21 (6), 761-766, 2000
Notes on diameters, centers, and approximating trees of δ-hyperbolic geodesic spaces and graphs
V Chepoi, FF Dragan, B Estellon, M Habib, Y Vaxès
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 31, 231-234, 2008
Center and diameter problems in plane triangulations and quadrangulations
V Chepoi, F Dragan, Y Vaxes
SODA 2, 346-355, 2002
On stable cutsets in graphs
A Brandstädt, FF Dragan, T Szymczak
Discrete Applied Mathematics 105 (1-3), 39-50, 2000
A linear‐time algorithm for connected r‐domination and Steiner tree on distance‐hereditary graphs
A Brandstädt, FF Dragan
Networks: An International Journal 31 (3), 177-182, 1998
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Articles 1–20