Scott Tillem
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Cited by
Reliability and validity of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised in the assessment of risk for institutional violence: A cautionary note on DeMatteo et al.(2020).
ME Olver, KC Stockdale, CS Neumann, RD Hare, A Mokros, ...
American Psychological Association 26 (4), 490, 2020
Classifying conduct disorder using a biopsychosocial model and machine learning method
L Chan, C Simmons, S Tillem, M Conley, IA Brazil, A Baskin-Sommers
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 8 (6), 599-608, 2023
Cognitive empathy in subtypes of antisocial individuals
SAA Chang, S Tillem, C Benson-Williams, A Baskin-Sommers
Frontiers in Psychiatry 12, 677975, 2021
Psychopathy is associated with shifts in the organization of neural networks in a large incarcerated male sample
S Tillem, K Harenski, C Harenski, J Decety, D Kosson, KA Kiehl, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 24, 102083, 2019
Psychopathic traits are differentially associated with efficiency of neural communication
S Tillem, J van Dongen, IA Brazil, A Baskin‐Sommers
Psychophysiology 55 (9), e13194, 2018
Theta phase coherence in affective picture processing reveals dysfunctional sensory integration in psychopathic offenders
S Tillem, J Ryan, J Wu, MJ Crowley, LC Mayes, A Baskin-Sommers
Biological psychology 119, 42-45, 2016
Psychopathy is associated with an exaggerated attention bottleneck: EEG and behavioral evidence from a dual-task paradigm
S Tillem, H Weinstein, A Baskin-Sommers
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 21 (4), 881-893, 2021
Specifying the Connection Between Reward Processing and Antisocial Psychopathology Across Development
S Estrada, S Tillem, A Stuppy-Sullivan, A Baskin-Sommers
The Oxford handbook of positive emotion and psychopathology 312, 2019
Early childhood household instability, adolescent structural neural network architecture, and young adulthood depression: A 21-year longitudinal study
FA Hardi, LG Goetschius, S Tillem, V McLoyd, J Brooks-Gunn, M Boone, ...
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 61, 101253, 2023
Comparison of socio-affective processing across subtypes of antisocial psychopathology
S Tillem, SAA Chang, A Baskin-Sommers
The routledge handbook of the philosophy and science of punishment, 288-302, 2020
Alpha response reveals attention abnormalities in psychopathy.
S Tillem, G Brennan, J Wu, L Mayes, A Baskin-Sommers
Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment 10 (3), 291, 2019
Neighborhood poverty during childhood prospectively predicts adolescent functional brain network architecture
C Michael, S Tillem, CS Sripada, SA Burt, KL Klump, LW Hyde
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 64, 101316, 2023
The PCL–R and capital sentencing: A commentary on “Death is different” DeMatteo et al.(2020a).
RD Hare, ME Olver, KC Stockdale, CS Neumann, A Mokros, ...
American Psychological Association 26 (4), 519, 2020
Individuals with psychopathic traits view distracting neutral information as negatively valenced
S Tillem, A Baskin-Sommers
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 17 (1), 25-34, 2018
Antisocial behavior is associated with reduced frontoparietal network efficiency in youth
S Tillem, HL Dotterer, LG Goetschius, N Lopez-Duran, C Mitchell, ...
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 18 (1), nsad026, 2023
Conduct disorder symptomatology is associated with an altered functional connectome in a large national youth sample
S Tillem, MI Conley, A Baskin-Sommers
Development and psychopathology 34 (4), 1573-1584, 2022
An Ecological Neurodevelopmental Model of the Development of Youth Antisocial Behavior and Callous-Unemotional Traits
LW Hyde, S Tillem, HB Westerman, JM Guzman
Annual Review of Developmental Psychology 6, 2024
Functional Brain Network Organization and Multi-Domain Resilience to Neighborhood
JL Bezek, S Tillem, GL Suarez, SA Burt, AY Vazquez, C Michael, ...
K Bogenschneider, BN Bogenschneider, N Dilevski, HM Paterson, ...
Selective Attention Abnormalities in Psychopathy: Neurocognitive Mechanisms and Downstream
SM Tillem
Yale University, 2020
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Articles 1–20