Paul Sanderson
Paul Sanderson
Senior Lecturer (Management), Anglia Ruskin Univ., and Research Associate, Univ. of Cambridge
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In the mirror of the market: The disciplinary effects of company/fund manager meetings
J Roberts, P Sanderson, R Barker, J Hendry
Accounting, Organizations and Society 31 (3), 277-294, 2006
Applying the ‘comply-or-explain’principle: discursive legitimacy tactics with regard to codes of corporate governance
D Seidl, P Sanderson, J Roberts
Journal of management & governance 17, 791-826, 2013
Owners or traders? Conceptualizations of institutional investors and their relationship with corporate managers
J Hendry, P Sanderson, R Barker, J Roberts
Human Relations 59 (8), 1101-1132, 2006
Can company-fund manager meetings convey informational benefits? Exploring the rationalisation of equity investment decision making by UK fund managers
R Barker, J Hendry, J Roberts, P Sanderson
Accounting, Organizations and Society 37 (4), 207-222, 2012
Responsible ownership, shareholder value and the new shareholder activism
J Hendry, P Sanderson, R Barker, J Roberts
Competition & Change 11 (3), 223-240, 2007
Applying" comply-or-explain": Conformance with Codes of Corporate Governance in the UK and Germany
D Seidl, P Sanderson, J Roberts
Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge, 2009
International Comparison of ten Medical Regulatory Systems. Egypt, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, South Africa and Spain
H de Vries, P Sanderson, B Janta, L Rabinovich, F Archontakis, S Ismail, ...
Anglia Ruskin Research Online (ARRO), 2009
Flexible or not? The comply-or-explain principle in UK and German corporate governance
P Sanderson, D Seidl, J Roberts, B Krieger
University of Cambridge. Centre for Business Research Working Paper, 2010
The impacts of family support on access to homeownership for young people in the UK
C Udagawa, P Sanderson
Social Mobility Commission, 2017
The UK Corporate Governance Code principle of ‘comply or explain’: understanding code compliance as ‘subjection’
J Roberts, P Sanderson, D Seidl, A Krivokapic
Abacus 56 (4), 602-626, 2020
Comply or Explain: The Flexibility of Corporate Governance Codes in Theory & in Practice
D Seidl, P Sanderson
End of Zero Risk Regulation: Risk Toleration in Regulatory Practice-2nd …, 2007
What Britain needs is a bank of mum and dad for all
P Sanderson
The Guardian, 2017
Encouraging inter-regulator data sharing: the perceptions of regulators
P Sanderson, D Banks, S Deakin, C Udagawa
Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research. https://www. gov. uk …, 2015
The Limits of Flexible Regulation: Managers' Perceptions of Corporate Governance Codes and" comply-or-explain"
P Sanderson, D Seidl, J Roberts
Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge, 2013
Regulating the Corporation: The Role of the Institutional Investor
P Sanderson, J Hendry, J Roberts, R Barker
Journal of Corporate Ownership & Control 3 (1), 127-134, 2005
Owners, Traders and Providers of Capital: The multiple faces of institutional investors
J Hendry, P Sanderson, R Barker, J Roberts
Centre for Business Research Working Paper, forthcoming, 2004
The corporate-fund management interface: objectives, information and valuation
R Barker, P Sanderson, J Hendry, J Roberts
Brunel Research in Enterprise, Innovation, Sustainability, and Ethics, 2004
Applying the “Comply-or-Explain” Principle: Conformance with Codes of Corporate Governance in the UK and Germany
D Seidl, P Sanderson, J Roberts
Journal of Management & Governance, 2012
Morphological and chemical characterisation of indoor quasi-ultrafine particles
A Okam, P Sanderson, RM Harrison, JM Delgado-Saborit
Atmospheric Environment 318, 120245, 2024
Exploring the ability of child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) to respond to new valuable knowledge: the influence of professionals and internal organisational …
L Efstathopoulou, P Sanderson, H Bungay
Mental Health Review Journal 28 (1), 19-32, 2023
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Articles 1–20