Michio Nomura
Cited by
Cited by
Association of neural and physiological responses during voluntary emotion suppression
H Ohira, M Nomura, N Ichikawa, T Isowa, T Iidaka, A Sato, S Fukuyama, ...
Neuroimage 29 (3), 721-733, 2006
Functional association of the amygdala and ventral prefrontal cortex during cognitive evaluation of facial expressions primed by masked angry faces: an event-related fMRI study
M Nomura, H Ohira, K Haneda, T Iidaka, N Sadato, T Okada, Y Yonekura
Neuroimage 21 (1), 352-363, 2004
An ERP study on self-relevant object recognition
M Miyakoshi, M Nomura, H Ohira
Brain and cognition 63 (2), 182-189, 2007
Neural evidence of effects of emotional valence on word recognition
M Inaba, M Nomura, H Ohira
International Journal of Psychophysiology 57 (3), 165-173, 2005
Does human–AI collaboration lead to more creative art? Aesthetic evaluation of human-made and AI-generated haiku poetry
J Hitsuwari, Y Ueda, W Yun, M Nomura
Computers in Human Behavior 139, 107502, 2023
Involvement of a polymorphism in the 5-HT2A receptor gene in impulsive behavior
M Nomura, I Kusumi, M Kaneko, T Masui, M Daiguji, T Ueno, T Koyama, ...
Psychopharmacology 187, 30-35, 2006
Development of a Japanese version of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index
T Himichi, H Osanai, T Goto, H Fujita, Y Kawamura, MH Davis, M Nomura
Shinrigaku Kenkyu: The Japanese Journal of Psychology 88 (1), 61-71, 2017
Causal relationship between effective connectivity within the default mode network and mind-wandering regulation and facilitation
S Kajimura, T Kochiyama, R Nakai, N Abe, M Nomura
Neuroimage 133, 21-30, 2016
Separability and commonality of auditory and visual bistable perception
HM Kondo, N Kitagawa, MS Kitamura, A Koizumi, M Nomura, M Kashino
Cerebral Cortex 22 (8), 1915-1922, 2012
Frontal lobe networks for effective processing of ambiguously expressed emotions in humans
M Nomura, T Iidaka, K Kakehi, T Tsukiura, T Hasegawa, Y Maeda, ...
Neuroscience letters 348 (2), 113-116, 2003
Modulation of default-mode network activity by acute tryptophan depletion is associated with mood change: a resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging study
Y Kunisato, Y Okamoto, G Okada, S Aoyama, Y Demoto, A Munakata, ...
Neuroscience research 69 (2), 129-134, 2011
Open monitoring meditation reduces the involvement of brain regions related to memory function
M Fujino, Y Ueda, H Mizuhara, J Saiki, M Nomura
Scientific reports 8 (1), 9968, 2018
Psychological, Neuroimaging, and Biochemical Studies on Functional Association between Impulsive Behavior and the 5‐HT2A Receptor Gene Polymorphism in …
M Nomura, Y Nomura
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1086 (1), 134-143, 2006
Does higher general trust serve as a psychosocial buffer against social pain? An NIRS study of social exclusion
K Yanagisawa, K Masui, K Furutani, M Nomura, M Ura, H Yoshida
Social Neuroscience 6 (2), 190-197, 2011
Genes, brain, and culture through a 5-HTT lens
M Nomura
The Oxford handbook of cultural neuroscience, 121, 2016
Neural representations of awe: Distinguishing common and distinct neural mechanisms.
R Takano, M Nomura
Emotion 22 (4), 669, 2022
Brain and autonomic association accompanying stochastic decision-making
H Ohira, N Ichikawa, M Nomura, T Isowa, K Kimura, N Kanayama, ...
Neuroimage 49 (1), 1024-1037, 2010
Imaging brain and immune association accompanying cognitive appraisal of an acute stressor
H Ohira, T Isowa, M Nomura, N Ichikawa, K Kimura, M Miyakoshi, T Iidaka, ...
Neuroimage 39 (1), 500-514, 2008
Decreasing propensity to mind-wander with transcranial direct current stimulation
S Kajimura, M Nomura
Neuropsychologia 75, 533-537, 2015
When we cannot speak: Eye contact disrupts resources available to cognitive control processes during verb generation
S Kajimura, M Nomura
Cognition 157, 352-357, 2016
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Articles 1–20