Gun-Yeal Lee
Cited by
Cited by
Metasurface eyepiece for augmented reality
GY Lee, JY Hong, SH Hwang, S Moon, H Kang, S Jeon, H Kim, JH Jeong, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 4562, 2018
Complete amplitude and phase control of light using broadband holographic metasurfaces
GY Lee, G Yoon, SY Lee, H Yun, J Cho, K Lee, H Kim, J Rho, B Lee
Nanoscale 10 (9), 4237-4245, 2018
Scalable manufacturing of high-index atomic layer–polymer hybrid metasurfaces for metaphotonics in the visible
J Kim, J Seong, W Kim, GY Lee, S Kim, H Kim, SW Moon, DK Oh, Y Yang, ...
Nature Materials 22 (4), 474-481, 2023
Metasurface with Nanostructured Ge2Sb2Te5 as a Platform for Broadband‐Operating Wavefront Switch
C Choi, SY Lee, SE Mun, GY Lee, J Sung, H Yun, JH Yang, HO Kim, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 7 (12), 1900171, 2019
Compact Generation of Airy Beams with C‐Aperture Metasurface
EY Song*, GY Lee*, H Park, K Lee, J Kim, J Hong, H Kim, B Lee
Advanced Optical Materials 5 (10), 1601028, 2017
Spiral metalens for phase contrast imaging
Y Kim, GY Lee, J Sung, J Jang, B Lee
Advanced Functional Materials 32 (5), 2106050, 2022
Recent advances in metasurface hologram technologies
GY Lee, J Sung, B Lee
ETRI Journal 41 (1), 2019
Augmented reality near-eye display using Pancharatnam-Berry phase lenses
S Moon, CK Lee, SW Nam, C Jang, GY Lee, W Seo, G Sung, HS Lee, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 6616, 2019
Progresses in the practical metasurface for holography and lens
J Sung, GY Lee, B Lee
Nanophotonics, 2019
Full-colour 3D holographic augmented-reality displays with metasurface waveguides
M Gopakumar*, GY Lee*, S Choi, B Chao, Y Peng, J Kim, G Wetzstein
Nature 629, 791–797, 2024
Ultracompact broadband plasmonic polarimeter
K Lee, H Yun, SE Mun, GY Lee, J Sung, B Lee
Laser & Photonics Reviews 12 (3), 1700297, 2018
Independent multichannel wavefront modulation for angle multiplexed meta‐holograms
J Jang*, GY Lee*, J Sung, B Lee
Advanced Optical Materials 9 (17), 2100678, 2021
Single‐layer bifacial metasurface: full‐space visible light control
J Sung*, GY Lee*, C Choi, J Hong, B Lee
Advanced Optical Materials 7 (8), 1801748, 2019
Metallic Fresnel zone plate implemented on an optical fiber facet for super-variable focusing of light
H Kim, J Kim, H An, Y Lee, G Lee, J Na, K Park, S Lee, SY Lee, B Lee, ...
Optics express 25 (24), 30290-30303, 2017
A double‐lined metasurface for plasmonic complex‐field generation
EY Song, SY Lee, J Hong, K Lee, Y Lee, GY Lee, H Kim, B Lee
Laser & Photonics Reviews 10 (2), 299-308, 2016
Metasurface optics for imaging applications
GY Lee, J Sung, B Lee
MRS Bulletin 45 (3), 202-209, 2020
Polarization-multiplexed plasmonic phase generation with distributed nanoslits
SY Lee, K Kim, GY Lee, B Lee
Optics Express 23 (12), 15598-15607, 2015
Numerical and experimental study on multi-focal metallic Fresnel zone plates designed by the phase selection rule via virtual point sources
J Kim, H Kim, GY Lee, J Kim, B Lee, Y Jeong
Applied Sciences 8 (3), 449, 2018
Polarization-dependent asymmetric transmission using a bifacial metasurface
J Sung, GY Lee, C Choi, J Hong, B Lee
Nanoscale Horizons 5 (11), 1487-1495, 2020
Freeform metasurface color router for deep submicron pixel image sensors
C Kim, J Hong, J Jang, GY Lee, Y Kim, Y Jeong, B Lee
Science Advances 10 (22), eadn9000, 2024
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Articles 1–20