Item selection and validation of a brief, 15-item version of the Need for Closure Scale A Roets, A Van Hiel Personality and individual differences 50 (1), 90-94, 2011 | 866 | 2011 |
Rehabilitation of scapular muscle balance: which exercises to prescribe? AM Cools, V Dewitte, F Lanszweert, D Notebaert, A Roets, B Soetens, ... The American journal of sports medicine 35 (10), 1744-1751, 2007 | 748 | 2007 |
Separating ability from need: Clarifying the dimensional structure of the need for closure scale A Roets, A Van Hiel Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 33 (2), 266-280, 2007 | 380 | 2007 |
‘Fake news’: Incorrect, but hard to correct. The role of cognitive ability on the impact of false information on social impressions J De keersmaecker, A Roets Intelligence 65, 107-110, 2017 | 341 | 2017 |
Of mice, men, and trolleys: Hypothetical judgment versus real-life behavior in trolley-style moral dilemmas DH Bostyn, S Sevenhant, A Roets Psychological science 29 (7), 1084-1093, 2018 | 330 | 2018 |
The motivated gatekeeper of our minds: New directions in need for closure theory and research A Roets, AW Kruglanski, M Kossowska, A Pierro, Y Hong Advances in experimental social psychology 52, 221-283, 2015 | 283 | 2015 |
Age differences in conservatism: Evidence on the mediating effects of personality and cognitive style I Cornelis, A Van Hiel, A Roets, M Kossowska Journal of personality 77 (1), 51-88, 2009 | 272 | 2009 |
Allport’s prejudiced personality today: Need for closure as the motivated cognitive basis of prejudice A Roets, A Van Hiel Current Directions in Psychological Science 20 (6), 349-354, 2011 | 265 | 2011 |
The intervening role of social worldviews in the relationship between the five‐factor model of personality and social attitudes A Van Hiel, I Cornelis, A Roets European Journal of Personality: Published for the European Association of …, 2007 | 172 | 2007 |
Opening closed minds: The combined effects of intergroup contact and need for closure on prejudice K Dhont, A Roets, A Van Hiel Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 37 (4), 514-528, 2011 | 167 | 2011 |
The closed mind:‘Experience’and ‘cognition’aspects of openness to experience and need for closure as psychological bases for right–wing attitudes E Onraet, A Van Hiel, A Roets, I Cornelis European Journal of Personality 25 (3), 184-197, 2011 | 161 | 2011 |
The relational responding task: Toward a new implicit measure of beliefs J De Houwer, N Heider, A Spruyt, A Roets, S Hughes Frontiers in psychology 6, 319, 2015 | 159 | 2015 |
Is sexism a gender issue? A motivated social cognition perspective on men's and women's sexist attitudes toward own and other gender A Roets, A Van Hiel, K Dhont European Journal of Personality 26 (3), 350-359, 2012 | 154 | 2012 |
Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty N Breznau, EM Rinke, A Wuttke, HHV Nguyen, M Adem, J Adriaans, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (44), e2203150119, 2022 | 147 | 2022 |
Investigating the Robustness of the Illusory Truth Effect Across Individual Differences in Cognitive Ability, Need for Cognitive Closure, and Cognitive Style J De keersmaecker, DG Rand, C Sanchez, C Unkelbach, A Roets | 131 | 2019 |
The role of need for closure in essentialist entitativity beliefs and prejudice: An epistemic needs approach to racial categorization A Roets, A Van Hiel British Journal of Social Psychology 50 (1), 52-73, 2011 | 128 | 2011 |
Registered replication report on Mazar, Amir, and Ariely (2008) B Verschuere, EH Meijer, A Jim, K Hoogesteyn, R Orthey, RJ McCarthy, ... Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (3), 299-317, 2018 | 127 | 2018 |
The tyranny of choice: A cross-cultural investigation of maximizing-satisficing effects on well-being A Roets, B Schwartz, Y Guan Judgment and Decision making 7 (6), 689-704, 2012 | 122 | 2012 |
The motivated cognitive basis of transphobia: The roles of right-wing ideologies and gender role beliefs AP Makwana, K Dhont, J De keersmaecker, P Akhlaghi-Ghaffarokh, ... Sex Roles 79, 206-217, 2018 | 113 | 2018 |
The morality of action: The asymmetry between judgments of praise and blame in the action–omission effect DH Bostyn, A Roets Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 63, 19-25, 2016 | 108 | 2016 |