Jehad Abbadi
Jehad Abbadi
Associate Professor at Al-Quds University, Palestine
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Effects of inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense on chickpeas (Cicer arietinum) and faba beans (Vicia faba) under different growth conditions
B Hamaoui, JM Abbadi, S Burdman, A Rashid, S Sarig, Y Okon
Agronomie 21 (6-7), 553-560, 2001
Analysis of phenolic and flavonoids of wild Ephedra alata plant extracts by LC/PDA and LC/MS and their antioxidant activity
F Al-Rimawi, S Abu-Lafi, J Abbadi, AAA Alamarneh, RA Sawahreh, I Odeh
African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and alternative medicines 14 …, 2017
Effects of nitrogen supply on growth, yield and yield components of safflower and sunflower
J Abbadi, J Gerendás, B Sattelmacher
Plant and Soil 306, 167-180, 2008
Removal of diclofenac potassium from wastewater using clay-micelle complex
R Karaman, M Khamis, M Quried, R Halabieh, I Makharzeh, A Manassra, ...
Environmental technology 33 (11), 1279-1287, 2012
Stability and removal of naproxen and its metabolite by advanced membrane wastewater treatment plant and micelle–C lay complex
M Qurie, M Khamis, F Malek, S Nir, SA Bufo, J Abbadi, L Scrano, ...
CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water 42 (5), 594-600, 2014
Effects of phosphorus supply on growth, yield, and yield components of safflower and sunflower
J Abbadi, J Gerendás
Journal of Plant Nutrition 34 (12), 1769-1787, 2011
Effects of crop rotation and nitrogen fertilization on soil nitrate and wheat yield under rainfed Mediterranean conditions
RJLB Garrido, L López-Bellido
Agronomie 21 (6-7), 509-516, 2001
Effects of potassium supply on growth and yield of safflower as compared to sunflower§
J Abbadi, J Gerendás, B Sattelmacher
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 171 (2), 272-280, 2008
Effect of harvesting date and variety of date palm on antioxidant capacity, phenolic and flavonoid content of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera)
I Odeh, F Al-Rimawi, J Abbadi, L Obeyat, M Qabbajeh, A Hroub
Science and Education Publishing, 2014
Potassium efficiency of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
J Gerendás, J Abbadi, B Sattelmacher
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 171 (3), 431-439, 2008
Effect of various levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) on growth, yield and yield components of sunflower
SA Sadiq, M Shahid, A Jan
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences (Pakistan) 3 (2), 2000
Effect of geographical region and harvesting date on antioxidant activity, phenolic and flavonoid content of olive leaves
F Al-Rimawi, I Odeh, A Bisher, J Abbadi, M Qabbajeh
Science and Education Publishing, 2014
Evaluation of the effect of packaging materials and storage temperatures on quality degradation of extra virgin olive oil from olives grown in Palestine
J Abbadi, Z Ayyad, F Al-Rimawi, W Sultan
Science and Education Publishing, 2014
Nitrogen use efficiency of safflower as compared to sunflower
J Abbadi, J Gerendás
Journal of Plant Nutrition 32 (6), 929-945, 2009
Paracetamol biodegradation by activated sludge and photocatalysis and its removal by a micelle–clay complex, activated charcoal, and reverse osmosis membranes
R Karaman, M Khamis, J Abbadi, A Amro, M Qurie, I Ayyad, F Ayyash, ...
Environmental technology 37 (19), 2414-2427, 2016
Anti-inflammatory of both Eucalyptus spp. and Pistascia lentiscus were investigated along with their phenolic compounds analysis using HPLC with UV detection
K Qabaha, SA Ras, J Abbadi, F Al-Rimawi
African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines 13 …, 2016
Phosphorus use Efficiency of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) and Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
J Abbadi, J Gerendás
Journal of Plant Nutrition 38 (7), 1121-1142, 2015
Inland treatment of the brine generated from reverse osmosis advanced membrane wastewater treatment plant using epuvalisation system
M Qurie, J Abbadi, L Scrano, G Mecca, SA Bufo, M Khamis, R Karaman
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 14 (7), 13808-13825, 2013
Effect of Frying Temperature and duration on the Formation of Trans Fatty Acids in Selected Fats and Oils
I Afaneh, J Abbadi, F Al-Rimawi, G Al-Dabbas, S Sawalha
American Journal of Food Science and Technology 5 (6), 245-248, 2017
Performance of micelle-clay filters for removing pollutants and bacteria from tertiary treated wastewater
M Khamis, R Karaman, M Qurie, J Abbadi, S Nusseibeh, A Manassra
David Publishing, 2012
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Articles 1–20