Predrag Krstic
Predrag Krstic
TheoretiK consulting & Institute for Advanced Computational Science, Stony Brook University, New
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The potential and challenges of nanopore sequencing
D Branton, DW Deamer, A Marziali, H Bayley, SA Benner, T Butler, ...
Nature biotechnology 26 (10), 1146-1153, 2008
Translocation of single-stranded DNA through single-walled carbon nanotubes
H Liu, J He, J Tang, H Liu, P Pang, D Cao, P Krstic, S Joseph, S Lindsay, ...
Science 327 (5961), 64-67, 2010
Origin of giant ionic currents in carbon nanotube channels
P Pang, J He, JH Park, PS Krstić, S Lindsay
ACS nano 5 (9), 7277-7283, 2011
Current-voltage characteristics through a single light-sensitive molecule
C Zhang, Y He, HP Cheng, Y Xue, MA Ratner, XG Zhang, P Krstic
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (12), 125445, 2006
Elastic scattering and charge transfer in slow collisions: isotopes of H and H+ colliding with isotopes of H and with He
PS Krstic, DR Schultz
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 32 (14), 3485, 1999
Consistent definitions for, and relationships among, cross sections for elastic scattering of hydrogen ions, atoms, and molecules
PS Krstić, DR Schultz
Physical Review A 60 (3), 2118, 1999
Generalized conductance formula for the multiband tight-binding model
PS Krstić, XG Zhang, WH Butler
Physical Review B 66 (20), 205319, 2002
Inelastic processes from vibrationally excited states in slow H++ H 2 and H+ H 2+ collisions: Excitations and charge transfer
PS Krstić
Physical Review A 66 (4), 042717, 2002
Collisions, magnetization, and transport coefficients in the lower solar atmosphere
J Vranjes, PS Krstic
Astronomy & Astrophysics 554, A22, 2013
Elastic and related transport cross sections for collisions among isotopomers of h++ h, h++ h2, h++ he, h+ h, and h+ h2
P Krstic, D Schultz
Atomic and plasma-material interaction data for fusion 8, 1-699, 1998
Ionization of hydrogen and hydrogenic ions by antiprotons
DR Schultz, PS Krstić, CO Reinhold, JC Wells
Physical review letters 76 (16), 2882, 1996
Electronic structure and spin-dependent tunneling conductance under a finite bias
C Zhang, XG Zhang, PS Krstić, H Cheng, WH Butler, JM MacLaren
Physical Review B 69 (13), 134406, 2004
Characterization of the tunneling conductance across DNA bases
R Zikic, PS Krstić, XG Zhang, M Fuentes-Cabrera, J Wells, X Zhao
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 74 (1 …, 2006
First-principles transversal DNA conductance deconstructed
XG Zhang, PS Krstić, R Zikić, JC Wells, M Fuentes-Cabrera
Biophysical journal 91 (1), L04-L06, 2006
Enhancement of the transverse conductance in DNA nucleotides
V Meunier, PS Krstić
The Journal of chemical physics 128 (4), 2008
Rate Coefficient for H++ H2 (X1Σg+, ν= 0, J= 0)→ H (1s)+ H2+ Charge Transfer and Some Cosmological Implications
DW Savin, PS Krstić, Z Haiman, PC Stancil
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 606 (2), L167, 2004
Elastic and vibrationally inelastic slow collisions: H+ H2, H++ H2
PS Krstic, DR Schultz
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 32 (10), 2415, 1999
Overview of results from the national spherical torus experiment (NSTX)
DA Gates, J Ahn, J Allain, R Andre, R Bastasz, M Bell, R Bell, E Belova, ...
Nuclear Fusion 49 (10), 104016, 2009
Paul trapping of charged particles in aqueous solution
W Guan, S Joseph, JH Park, PS Krstić, MA Reed
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (23), 9326-9330, 2011
Regge oscillations in integral cross sections for proton impact on atomic hydrogen
JH Macek, PS Krstić, SY Ovchinnikov
Physical review letters 93 (18), 183203, 2004
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Articles 1–20