Martyna Śliwa
Martyna Śliwa
University of Bath, School of Management
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Introduction: Polyphony and organization studies: Mikhail Bakhtin and beyond
O Belova, I King, M Sliwa
Organization Studies 29 (4), 493-500, 2008
Zarzadzanie w XXI wieku: Jakosc, tworczosc, kultura
M Kostera, M Sliwa
How non-native English-speaking staff are evaluated in linguistically diverse organizations: A sociolinguistic perspective
M Śliwa, M Johansson
Journal of International Business Studies 45, 1133-1151, 2014
Gender, foreignness and academia: An intersectional analysis of the experiences of foreign women academics in UK business schools
M Johansson, M Śliwa
Gender, Work & Organization 21 (1), 18-36, 2014
Introduction: Critically interrogating inclusion in organisations
M Adamson, E Kelan, P Lewis, M Śliwa, N Rumens
Organization 28 (2), 211-227, 2021
The discourse of meritocracy contested/reproduced: Foreign women academics in UK business schools
M Śliwa, M Johansson
Organization 21 (6), 821-843, 2014
Contemplative leadership: The possibilities for the ethics of leadership theory and practice
G Grandy, M Sliwa
Journal of Business Ethics 143, 423-440, 2017
Profaning the sacred in leadership studies: a reading of Murakami’s A Wild Sheep Chase
M Śliwa, S Spoelstra, BM Sørensen, C Land
Organization 20 (6), 860-880, 2013
‘It is E nglish and there is no Alternative’: Intersectionality, Language and Social/Organizational Differentiation of Polish Migrants in the UK
M Johansson, M Śliwa
Gender, Work & Organization 23 (3), 296-309, 2016
Work, play and boredom
N Butler, L Olaison, M Sliwa, S Spoelstra
Ephemera theory & politics in organization 11 (4), 329-335, 2011
Moving to stay in the same place?’Academics and theatrical artists as exemplars of the ‘mobile middle
B Loacker, M Śliwa
Organization 23 (5), 657-679, 2016
Making scents of transition: Smellscapes and the everyday in ‘old’and ‘new’urban Poland
M Śliwa, K Riach
Urban Studies 49 (1), 23-41, 2012
Generative artificial intelligence and academia: Implication for research, teaching and service
A Barros, A Prasad, M Śliwa
Management Learning 54 (5), 597-604, 2023
Problematizing international business futures through a ‘critical scenario method’
G Cairns, M Śliwa, G Wright
Futures 42 (9), 971-979, 2010
Playing in the academic field: Non-native English-speaking academics in UK business schools
M Śliwa, M Johansson
Culture and Organization 21 (1), 78-95, 2015
The labour of academia
N Butler, H Delaney, M Sliwa
Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization 17 (3), 467-480, 2017
Making a difference through atmospheres: The Orange Alternative, laughter and the possibilities of affective resistance
D Marsh, M Śliwa
Organization Studies 43 (4), 477-496, 2022
A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about international business
G Cairns, M Sliwa
Sage, 2017
‘You have to choose a novel’: The biopolitics of critical management education
M Śliwa, BM Sørensen, G Cairns
Management Learning 46 (3), 243-259, 2015
The implications of Aristotle's phronesis for organizational inquiry
G Cairns, M Sliwa
The Sage handbook of new approaches in management and organization, 318-328, 2008
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Articles 1–20