Rebecka Jörnsten
Rebecka Jörnsten
Professor of Biostatistics and Applied Statistics, University of Gothenburg, Chalmers
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Digital twins to personalize medicine
B Björnsson, C Borrebaeck, N Elander, T Gasslander, DR Gawel, ...
Genome medicine 12, 1-4, 2020
Music structure determines heart rate variability of singers
B Vickhoff, H Malmgren, R Åström, G Nyberg, SR Ekström, M Engwall, ...
Frontiers in psychology 4, 334, 2013
MicroRNA expression pattern of undifferentiated and differentiated human embryonic stem cells
U Lakshmipathy, B Love, LA Goff, R Jörnsten, R Graichen, RP Hart, ...
Stem cells and development 16 (6), 1003-1016, 2007
Clustering and classification based on the L1 data depth
R Jörnsten
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 90 (1), 67-89, 2004
Activity-independent regulation of dendrite patterning by postsynaptic density protein PSD-95
EI Charych, BF Akum, JS Goldberg, RJ Jörnsten, C Rongo, JQ Zheng, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (40), 10164-10176, 2006
DNA microarray data imputation and significance analysis of differential expression
R Jörnsten, HY Wang, WJ Welsh, M Ouyang
Bioinformatics 21 (22), 4155-4161, 2005
Network modeling of the transcriptional effects of copy number aberrations in glioblastoma
R Jörnsten, T Abenius, T Kling, L Schmidt, E Johansson, TEM Nordling, ...
Molecular systems biology 7 (1), 486, 2011
A neurobiological theory of meaning in perception part III: Multiple cortical areas synchronize without loss of local autonomy
WJ Freeman, G Gaál, R Jorsten
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 13 (10), 2845-2856, 2003
Simultaneous gene clustering and subset selection for sample classification via MDL
R Jörnsten, B Yu
Bioinformatics 19 (9), 1100-1109, 2003
DNA Methylation Changes Separate Allergic Patients from Healthy Controls and May Reflect Altered CD4+ T-Cell Population Structure
CE Nestor, F Barrenäs, H Wang, A Lentini, H Zhang, S Bruhn, R Jörnsten, ...
PLoS genetics 10 (1), e1004059, 2014
Highly interconnected genes in disease-specific networks are enriched for disease-associated polymorphisms
F Barrenäs, S Chavali, AC Alves, L Coin, MR Jarvelin, R Jörnsten, ...
Genome biology 13, 1-9, 2012
A novel role for snapin in dendrite patterning: interaction with cypin
M Chen, KG Lucas, BF Akum, G Balasingam, TM Stawicki, JM Provost, ...
Molecular biology of the cell 16 (11), 5103-5114, 2005
Integrative discovery of treatments for high-risk neuroblastoma
E Almstedt, R Elgendy, N Hekmati, E Rosén, C Wärn, TK Olsen, C Dyberg, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 71, 2020
Chronological changes in microRNA expression in the developing human brain
MP Moreau, SE Bruse, R Jornsten, Y Liu, LM Brzustowicz
PloS one 8 (4), e60480, 2013
Identifying radiation-induced survivorship syndromes affecting bowel health in a cohort of gynecological cancer survivors
G Steineck, V Skokic, F Sjöberg, C Bull, E Alevronta, G Dunberger, ...
PLoS One 12 (2), e0171461, 2017
Microarray image compression: SLOCO and the effect of information loss
R Jornsten, W Wang, B Yu, K Ramchandran
Signal Processing 83 (4), 859-869, 2003
Modeling glioblastoma heterogeneity as a dynamic network of cell states
I Larsson, E Dalmo, R Elgendy, M Niklasson, M Doroszko, A Segerman, ...
Molecular systems biology 17 (9), e10105, 2021
Color preference, seasonality, spatial distribution and species composition of thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in northern highbush blueberries
CR Rodriguez-Saona, S Polavarapu, JD Barry, D Polk, R Jörnsten, ...
Crop protection 29 (11), 1331-1340, 2010
Screening anti-inflammatory compounds in injured spinal cord with microarrays: a comparison of bioinformatics analysis approaches
JZ Pan, R Jörnsten, RP Hart
Physiological Genomics 17 (2), 201-214, 2004
Functional analysis via extensions of the band depth
S López-Pintado, R Jornsten
Lecture Notes-Monograph Series, 103-120, 2007
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Articles 1–20