Gehan Mustafa Kamel Selim
Gehan Mustafa Kamel Selim
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
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Cited by
Model transformation intents and their properties
L Lúcio, M Amrani, J Dingel, L Lambers, R Salay, GMK Selim, E Syriani, ...
Software & systems modeling 15, 647-684, 2016
Making the case for centralized automotive E/E architectures
V Bandur, G Selim, V Pantelic, M Lawford
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (2), 1230-1245, 2021
Studying the impact of clones on software defects
GMK Selim, L Barbour, W Shang, B Adams, AE Hassan, Y Zou
2010 17th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 13-21, 2010
A tridimensional approach for studying the formal verification of model transformations
M Amrani, L Lucio, G Selim, B Combemale, J Dingel, H Vangheluwe, ...
2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification …, 2012
Enhancing source-based clone detection using intermediate representation
GMK Selim, KC Foo, Y Zou
2010 17th working conference on reverse engineering, 227-236, 2010
Towards a model transformation intent catalog
M Amrani, J Dingel, L Lambers, L Lúcio, R Salay, G Selim, E Syriani, ...
Proceedings of the First Workshop on the Analysis of Model Transformations, 3-8, 2012
Formal verification techniques for model transformations: A tridimensional classification
M Amrani, B Combemale, L Lúcio, G Selim, J Dingel, Y Le Traon, ...
The Journal of Object Technology 14 (3), 1: 1-43, 2015
Model transformation testing: The state of the art
GMK Selim, JR Cordy, J Dingel
Proceedings of the first workshop on the analysis of model transformations …, 2012
Model transformations for migrating legacy models: an industrial case study
GMK Selim, S Wang, JR Cordy, J Dingel
Modelling Foundations and Applications: 8th European Conference, ECMFA 2012 …, 2012
Towards requirements specification for machine-learned perception based on human performance
BC Hu, R Salay, K Czarnecki, M Rahimi, G Selim, M Chechik
2020 IEEE Seventh International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for …, 2020
Specification and verification of graph-based model transformation properties
GMK Selim, L Lúcio, JR Cordy, J Dingel, BJ Oakes
Graph Transformation: 7th International Conference, ICGT 2014, Held as Part …, 2014
Model transformations for migrating legacy deployment models in the automotive industry
GMK Selim, S Wang, JR Cordy, J Dingel
Software & Systems Modeling 14, 365-381, 2015
Migrating automotive product lines: a case study
M Famelis, L Lúcio, G Selim, A Di Sandro, R Salay, M Chechik, JR Cordy, ...
Theory and Practice of Model Transformations: 8th International Conference …, 2015
Automated verification of model transformations in the automotive industry
GMK Selim, F Büttner, JR Cordy, J Dingel, S Wang
International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems …, 2013
SyVOLT: Full model transformation verification using contracts
L Lúcio, BJ Oakes, C Gomes, GMK Selim, J Dingel, JR Cordy, ...
Proceedings of the MoDELS 2015 Demo and Poster Session, co-located with ACM …, 2015
Just enough formality in assurance argument structures
T Viger, R Salay, G Selim, M Chechik
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: 39th International Conference …, 2020
How is ATL really used? language feature use in the ATL zoo
GMK Selim, JR Cordy, J Dingel
2017 ACM/IEEE 20th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering …, 2017
Formal verification of graph-based model transformations
GMK Selim
Queen's University (Canada), 2015
MMINT-A 2.0: tool support for the lifecycle of model-based safety artifacts
A Di Sandro, G Selim, R Salay, T Viger, M Chechik, S Kokaly
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven …, 2020
Documenting Simulink designs of embedded systems
A Schaap, G Marks, V Pantelic, M Lawford, G Selim, A Wassyng, L Patcas
Proceedings of the 21st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven …, 2018
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Articles 1–20