Alon Zivony
Cited by
Cited by
The invisible stereotypes of bisexual men
A Zivony, T Lobel
Archives of sexual behavior 43, 1165-1176, 2014
Dissociating between the N2pc and attentional shifting: An attentional blink study
A Zivony, AS Allon, R Luria, D Lamy
Neuropsychologia 121, 153-163, 2018
Stereotype deduction about bisexual women
A Zivony, T Saguy
The Journal of Sex Research 55 (4-5), 666-678, 2018
Contingent attentional engagement: Stimulus-and goal-driven capture have qualitatively different consequences
A Zivony, D Lamy
Psychological science 29 (12), 1930-1941, 2018
What processes are disrupted during the attentional blink? An integrative review of event-related potential research
A Zivony, D Lamy
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 29, 394–414, 2022
The role of search difficulty in intertrial feature priming
D Lamy, A Zivony, A Yashar
Vision research 51 (19), 2099-2109, 2011
Attentional capture and engagement during the attentional blink: A “camera” metaphor of attention.
A Zivony, D Lamy
Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 42 (11 …, 2016
Contingent capture is weakened in search for multiple features from different dimensions
D Biderman, N Biderman, A Zivony, D Lamy
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 43 (12 …, 2017
Academia is not a meritocracy
A Zivony
Nature human behaviour 3 (10), 1037-1037, 2019
Attentional sets influence perceptual load effects, but not dilution effects
H Benoni, A Zivony, Y Tsal
Quarterly journal of experimental psychology 67 (4), 785-792, 2014
The diachronic account of attentional selectivity
A Zivony, M Eimer
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 29, 1118–1142, 2022
Splitting the attentional spotlight? Evidence from attentional capture by successive events
C Gabbay, A Zivony, D Lamy
Visual Cognition 27 (5-8), 518-536, 2019
Attentional engagement is not sufficient to prevent spatial capture
A Zivony, D Lamy
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 76, 19-31, 2014
Distractor intrusions are the result of delayed attentional engagement: A new temporal variability account of attentional selectivity in dynamic visual tasks.
A Zivony, M Eimer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 150 (1), 23–41, 2021
Perceptual competition between targets and distractors determines working memory access and produces intrusion errors in rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) tasks.
A Zivony, M Eimer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 46 (12 …, 2020
Beliefs about the inevitability of sexual attraction predict stereotypes about asexuality
A Zivony, N Reggev
Archives of Sexual Behavior 52, 2215–2228, 2023
Bisexuality in men exists but cannot be decoded from men’s genital arousal
A Zivony
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (50), 31577-31578, 2020
Perceptual processing is not spared during the attentional blink
A Zivony, S Shanny, D Lamy
Journal of cognition 1 (1), 2018
Bisexual stereotypes in clinical evaluation.
O Ferster, A Zivony
Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity 11 (4), 619–630, 2024
Expectation-based blindness: Predictions about object categories gate awareness of focally attended objects
A Zivony, M Eimer
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 29 (5), 1879-1889, 2022
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Articles 1–20