Manuel Gil
Manuel Gil
Co-director Centre of Bioinformatics, ZHAW
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Survey of branch support methods demonstrates accuracy, power, and robustness of fast likelihood-based approximation schemes
M Anisimova, M Gil, JF Dufayard, C Dessimoz, O Gascuel
Systematic biology 60 (5), 685-699, 2011
β-AMYLASE4, a Noncatalytic Protein Required for Starch Breakdown, Acts Upstream of Three Active β-Amylases in Arabidopsis Chloroplasts
DC Fulton, M Stettler, T Mettler, CK Vaughan, J Li, P Francisco, M Gil, ...
The Plant Cell 20 (4), 1040-1058, 2008
Current methods for automated filtering of multiple sequence alignments frequently worsen single-gene phylogenetic inference
G Tan, M Muffato, C Ledergerber, J Herrero, N Goldman, M Gil, ...
Systematic biology 64 (5), 778-791, 2015
Inferring hierarchical orthologous groups from orthologous gene pairs
AM Altenhoff, M Gil, GH Gonnet, C Dessimoz
PloS one 8 (1), e53786, 2013
Phylogenetic assessment of alignments reveals neglected tree signal in gaps
C Dessimoz, M Gil
Genome biology 11, 1-9, 2010
CodonPhyML: fast maximum likelihood phylogeny estimation under codon substitution models
M Gil, MS Zanetti, S Zoller, M Anisimova
Molecular biology and evolution 30 (6), 1270-1280, 2013
OMA, a comprehensive, automated project for the identification of orthologs from complete genome data: introduction and first achievements
C Dessimoz, G Cannarozzi, M Gil, D Margadant, A Roth, A Schneider, ...
Comparative Genomics: RECOMB 2005 International Workshop, RCG 2005, Dublin …, 2005
Querying knowledge graphs in natural language
S Liang, K Stockinger, TM De Farias, M Anisimova, M Gil
Journal of big Data 8 (1), 3, 2021
Who watches the watchmen? An appraisal of benchmarks for multiple sequence alignment
S Iantorno, K Gori, N Goldman, M Gil, C Dessimoz
Multiple sequence alignment methods, 59-73, 2014
Enabling semantic queries across federated bioinformatics databases
AC Sima, T Mendes de Farias, E Zbinden, M Anisimova, M Gil, ...
Database 2019, baz106, 2019
The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics’ resources: focus on curated databases
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics Members
Nucleic acids research 44 (D1), D27-D37, 2016
Progressive multiple sequence alignment with indel evolution
M Maiolo, X Zhang, M Gil, M Anisimova
BMC bioinformatics 19, 1-8, 2018
Simple chained guide trees give poorer multiple sequence alignments than inferred trees in simulation and phylogenetic benchmarks
G Tan, M Gil, AP Löytynoja, N Goldman, C Dessimoz
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (2), E99-E100, 2015
The cerebellum chip: an analog VLSI implementation of a cerebellar model of classical conditioning
C Hofstötter, M Gil, K Eng, G Indiveri, M Mintz, J Kramer, P Verschure
Advances in neural information processing systems 17, 2004
Semantic integration and enrichment of heterogeneous biological databases
AC Sima, K Stockinger, TM de Farias, M Gil
Evolutionary Genomics: Statistical and Computational Methods, 655-690, 2019
Fast estimation of the difference between two PAM/JTT evolutionary distances in triplets of homologous sequences
C Dessimoz, M Gil, A Schneider, GH Gonnet
BMC bioinformatics 7, 1-11, 2006
ARPIP: ancestral sequence reconstruction with insertions and deletions under the Poisson Indel process
G Jowkar, J Pečerska, M Maiolo, M Gil, M Anisimova
Systematic biology 72 (2), 307-318, 2023
ProPIP: a tool for progressive multiple sequence alignment with Poisson Indel Process
M Maiolo, L Gatti, D Frei, T Leidi, M Gil, M Anisimova
BMC bioinformatics 22, 1-12, 2021
Computational literature-based discovery for natural products research: current state and future prospects
A Lardos, A Aghaebrahimian, A Koroleva, J Sidorova, E Wolfram, ...
Frontiers in Bioinformatics 2, 827207, 2022
Accelerating phylogeny-aware alignment with indel evolution using short time Fourier transform
M Maiolo, S Ulzega, M Gil, M Anisimova
NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics 2 (4), lqaa092, 2020
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Articles 1–20