arie venkert
arie venkert
Nuclear Research Center – Negev
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Dynamic recrystallization as a potential cause for adiabatic shear failure
D Rittel, P Landau, A Venkert
Physical review letters 101 (16), 165501, 2008
The mechanical response of pure iron at high strain rates under dominant shear
D Rittel, G Ravichandran, A Venkert
Materials Science and Engineering: A 432 (1-2), 191-201, 2006
Microstructural effects on adiabatic shear band formation
S Osovski, D Rittel, P Landau, A Venkert
Scripta Materialia 66 (1), 9-12, 2012
The respective influence of microstructural and thermal softening on adiabatic shear localization
S Osovski, D Rittel, A Venkert
Mechanics of Materials 56, 11-22, 2013
On the dynamically stored energy of cold work in pure single crystal and polycrystalline copper
D Rittel, AA Kidane, M Alkhader, A Venkert, P Landau, G Ravichandran
Acta Materialia 60 (9), 3719-3728, 2012
The genesis of adiabatic shear bands
P Landau, S Osovski, A Venkert, V Gärtnerová, D Rittel
Scientific reports 6 (1), 37226, 2016
Site related nucleation and growth of hydrides on uranium surfaces
R Arkush, A Venkert, M Aizenshtein, S Zalkind, D Moreno, M Brill, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 244 (1-2), 197-205, 1996
Microstructure and phase selection in supercooled copper alloys exhibiting metastable liquid miscibility gaps
A Munitz, A Venkert, P Landau, MJ Kaufman, R Abbaschian
Journal of Materials Science 47, 7955-7970, 2012
Phase selection in supercooled Cu–Nb alloys
A Munitz, M Bamberger, A Venkert, P Landau, R Abbaschian
Journal of materials science 44, 64-73, 2009
Evolution of dislocation patterns in fcc metals
P Landau, RZ Shneck, G Makov, A Venkert
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 3 (1), 012004, 2009
Reassessment of the dynamic thermomechanical conversion in metals
JC Nieto-Fuentes, S Osovski, A Venkert, D Rittel
Physical review letters 123 (25), 255502, 2019
Microstructural aspects of adiabatic shear failure in annealed Ti6Al4V
P Landau, A Venkert, D Rittel
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 41, 389-396, 2010
On the dynamic character of localized failure
S Osovski, Y Nahmany, D Rittel, P Landau, A Venkert
Scripta materialia 67 (7-8), 693-695, 2012
Universal strain–temperature dependence of dislocation structure evolution in face-centered-cubic metals
P Landau, G Makov, RZ Shneck, A Venkert
Acta materialia 59 (13), 5342-5350, 2011
Characterization of new aluminides found in the ThT2Al20 alloys (where T= Ti, V, Mn)
AI Bram, A Venkert, L Meshi
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 641, 1-6, 2015
Microstructure evolution in deformed copper
P Landau, RZ Shneck, G Makov, A Venkert
Journal of materials science 42, 9775-9782, 2007
Abrupt symmetry decrease in the ThT2Al20 alloys (T= 3d transition metal)
A Uziel, AI Bram, A Venkert, AE Kiv, D Fuks, L Meshi
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 648, 353-359, 2015
The structure of the ternary aluminide ThFe2Al10
L Meshi, V Ezersky, A Venkert, M Talianker
Intermetallics 13 (7), 792-795, 2005
Effect of loading rate on fracture morphology in a high strength ductile steel
A Venkert, PR Guduru, G Ravichandran
J. Eng. Mater. Technol. 123 (3), 261-267, 2001
The dynamic properties of two-phase alumina/glass ceramics
Y Yeshurun, DG Brandon, A Venkert, Z Rosenberg
Le Journal de Physique Colloques 49 (C3), C3-11-C3-18, 1988
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Articles 1–20