Dr Marin Carrion
Dr Marin Carrion
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Cited by
A classification method for CSCW systems
VMR Penichet, I Marin, JA Gallud, MD Lozano, R Tesoriero
Electronic notes in theoretical computer science 168, 237-247, 2007
Interoperating grid infrastructures with the GridWay metascheduler
IM Carrión, E Huedo, IM Llorente
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 27 (9), 2278-2290, 2015
A prediction method for nonlinear time series analysis by combining the false nearest neighbors and subspace identification methods
I Marín, E Arias, MM Artigao, JJ Miralles
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics 5 (3), 258-265, 2011
Parallel implementations of the false nearest neighbors method to study the behavior of dynamical models
IM Carrión, EA Antúnez, MMA Castillo, JJM Canals
Mathematical and computer modelling 52 (7-8), 1237-1242, 2010
Thread-based implementations of the false nearest neighbors method
IM Carrión, EA Antúnez, MMA Castillo, JJÁ Guerrero, JJM Canals
Parallel Computing 35 (10-11), 523-534, 2009
A prediction method for nonlinear time series analysis of air temperature data by combining the false nearest neighbors and subspace identification methods
IM Carrión, EA Antúnez, MMA Castillo, JJM Canals
Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS international conference on Applied computer …, 2011
A distributed memory architecture implementation of the False Nearest Neighbors method based on distribution of dimensions
I Marín Carrión, E Arias Antúnez, MM Artigao Castillo, JJ Miralles Canals
The Journal of Supercomputing 59, 1596-1618, 2012
High Performance Computing Applied to the False Nearest Neighbors Method: Box-Assisted and kd-Tree Approaches
JJ Águila, I Marín, E Arias, M del Mar Artigao, JJ Miralles
Electrical Engineering and Applied Computing, 323-336, 2011
Parallel implementations of the False Nearest Neighbors method for distributed memory architectures
I Marín Carrión, E Arias Antúnez, MM Artigao Castillo, JJ Miralles Canals
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 23 (1), 1-16, 2011
Distributed memory implementation of the false nearest neighbors method: kd-tree approach versus box-assisted approach
JJ Aguila, I Marın, E Arias, M del Mar Artigao, JJ Miralles
Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science 2183, 493-498, 2010
Learning network-assisted by using symbolic computation: A useful technology in the learning of scientific-technological subjects
I Marín, JJ Miralles, MM Artigao, JA Martínez
International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 2008
Proyecto Ada Augusta: Redes de Aprendizaje con capacidades de Cálculo Simbólico
JJM Canals, IM Carrión, DF Sánchez
II Jornades de Xarxes d'Investigació en Docència Universitària: cap a l …, 2004
High performance implementations for computing the maximal Lyapunov exponent on distributed memory architectures
IM Carrión, EA Antúnez, MM Artigao Castillo, JJ Miralles Canals
AIP Conference Proceedings 1504 (1), 1214-1217, 2012
Implementaciones para memoria distribuida del método de los falsos vecinos más cercanos: enfoque usando kd-tree versus enfoque usando boxes
JJM JJ. Águila, I. Marín, E. Arias, MM. Artigao
XXI Jornadas de Paralelismo, 69-76, 2010
A hybrid MPI-OpenMP approach for the false nearest neighbors method
JJM JJ. Águila, I. Marín, E. Arias, MM. Artigao
International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques …, 2010
Nonlinear time series analysis: A high performance computing approach
JJM I. Marín, JJ. Aguila, E. Arias, MM. Artigao
ERCIM News 81, 31-32, 2010
A comparative study of box-assisted and kd-tree approaches for the false nearest neighbors method
JJM JJ. Águila, I. Marín, E. Arias, MM. Artigao
IAENG International Journal of Computer Science 37 (4), 394-401, 2010
Parallel Implementations for Computing the False Nearest Neighbors Method
K Kyamakya, A Bouchachia, JC Chedjou, IM Carrión, EA Antúnez, ...
Intelligence for Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronisation, 57-93, 2010
Learning Network Assisted by Means of Symbolic Computation
JJ Miralles, JA Marttnez, I Marín, MM Artigao
Technology, Education and Development, 265-288, 2009
Desarrollo de utilidades web de apoyo a la docencia bajo Cálculo Simbólico
JAM Martínez
IV Encuentro de intercambio de experiencias de innovación docente. Los …, 2008
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Articles 1–20