Maykel Verkuyten
Maykel Verkuyten
Professor of Interdisciplinary Social Science, Utrecht University
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The social psychology of ethnic identity
M Verkuyten
Routledge, 2018
Ethnic group identification and group evaluation among minority and majority groups: Testing the multiculturalism hypothesis.
M Verkuyten
Journal of personality and social psychology 88 (1), 121, 2005
National (dis) identification and ethnic and religious identity: A study among Turkish-Dutch Muslims
M Verkuyten, AA Yildiz
Personality and social psychology bulletin 33 (10), 1448-1462, 2007
Prejudice towards Muslims in the Netherlands: Testing integrated threat theory
K Velasco González, M Verkuyten, J Weesie, E Poppe
British journal of social psychology 47 (4), 667-685, 2008
School satisfaction of elementary school children: The role of performance, peer relations, ethnicity and gender
M Verkuyten, J Thijs
Social indicators research 59, 203-228, 2002
Racist victimization among children in the Netherlands: The effect of ethnic group and school
M Verkuyten, J Thijs
Ethnic and Racial Studies 25 (2), 310-331, 2002
Religious group identification and inter-religious relations: A study among Turkish-Dutch Muslims
M Verkuyten
Group processes & Intergroup relations 10 (3), 341-357, 2007
Discourses about ethnic group (de‐) essentialism: Oppressive and progressive aspects
M Verkuyten
British Journal of Social Psychology 42 (3), 371-391, 2003
Perceived discrimination and self-esteem among ethnic minority adolescents
M Verkuyten
The Journal of social psychology 138 (4), 479-493, 1998
School ethnic diversity and students' interethnic relations
J Thijs, M Verkuyten
British Journal of Educational Psychology 84 (1), 1-21, 2014
Multicultural recognition and ethnic minority rights: A social identity perspective
M Verkuyten
European review of social psychology 17 (1), 148-184, 2006
Life satisfaction among ethnic minorities: The role of discrimination and group identification
M Verkuyten
Social indicators research 89, 391-404, 2008
Support for multiculturalism and minority rights: The role of national identification and out-group threat
M Verkuyten
Social Justice Research 22, 31-52, 2009
Multiculturalism among minority and majority adolescents in the Netherlands
M Verkuyten, J Thijs
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 26 (1), 91-108, 2002
Prejudice and self-categorization: The variable role of authoritarianism and in-group stereotypes
M Verkuyten, L Hagendoorn
Personality and social psychology bulletin 24 (1), 99-110, 1998
Understanding multicultural attitudes: The role of group status, identification, friendships, and justifying ideologies
M Verkuyten, B Martinovic
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 30 (1), 1-18, 2006
More than two decades of changing ethnic attitudes in the Netherlands
M Coenders, M Lubbers, P Scheepers, M Verkuyten
Journal of Social Issues 64 (2), 269-285, 2008
Multiculturalism and group status: The role of ethnic identification, group essentialism and protestant ethic
M Verkuyten, P Brug
European Journal of Social Psychology 34 (6), 647-661, 2004
Biculturalism among older children: Cultural frame switching, attributions, self-identification, and attitudes
M Verkuyten, K Pouliasi
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 33 (6), 596-609, 2002
Immigrants’ national identification: Meanings, determinants, and consequences
M Verkuyten, B Martinovic
Social Issues and Policy Review 6 (1), 82-112, 2012
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Articles 1–20