James Lynch
James Lynch
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Internal solitons in the northeastern South China Sea. Part I: Sources and deep water propagation
SR Ramp, TY Tang, TF Duda, JF Lynch, AK Liu, CS Chiu, FL Bahr, ...
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 29 (4), 1157-1181, 2004
The role of wave-induced density-driven fluid mud flows for cross-shelf transport on the Eel River continental shelf
P Traykovski, WR Geyer, JD Irish, JF Lynch
Continental Shelf Research 20 (16), 2113-2140, 2000
Internal tide and nonlinear internal wave behavior at the continental slope in the northern South China Sea
TF Duda, JF Lynch, JD Irish, RC Beardsley, SR Ramp, CS Chiu, TY Tang, ...
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 29 (4), 1105-1130, 2004
An overview of the 1995 SWARM shallow-water internal wave acoustic scattering experiment
JR Apel, M Badiey, CS Chiu, S Finette, R Headrick, J Kemp, JF Lynch, ...
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 22 (3), 465-500, 1997
Fundamentals of shallow water acoustics
B Katsnelson, V Petnikov, J Lynch
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Geometry, migration, and evolution of wave orbital ripples at LEO‐15
P Traykovski, AE Hay, JD Irish, JF Lynch
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 104 (C1), 1505-1524, 1999
Internal solitons in the ocean and their effect on underwater sound
JR Apel, LA Ostrovsky, YA Stepanyants, JF Lynch
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 121 (2), 695-722, 2007
Quantitative measures of air-gun pulses recorded on sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) using acoustic tags during controlled exposure experiments
PT Madsen, M Johnson, PJO Miller, N Aguilar Soto, J Lynch, P Tyack
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 120 (4), 2366-2379, 2006
Perturbative inversion methods for obtaining bottom geoacoustic parameters in shallow water
SD Rajan, JF Lynch, GV Frisk
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 82 (3), 998-1017, 1987
Shallow Water'06: A joint acoustic propagation/nonlinear internal wave physics experiment
D Tang, JN Moum, JF Lynch, P Abbot, R Chapman, PH Dahl, TF Duda, ...
Oceanography 20 (4), 156-167, 2007
Tomographic inversion for sediment parameters in shallow water
GR Potty, JH Miller, JF Lynch, KB Smith
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 108 (3), 973-986, 2000
Measurement and modeling of three-dimensional sound intensity variations due to shallow-water internal waves
M Badiey, BG Katsnelson, JF Lynch, S Pereselkov, WL Siegmann
The journal of the acoustical society of America 117 (2), 613-625, 2005
Observations of nonlinear internal waves on the outer New England continental shelf during the summer Shelfbreak Primer study
JA Colosi, RC Beardsley, JF Lynch, G Gawarkiewicz, CS Chiu, A Scotti
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 106 (C5), 9587-9601, 2001
Shallow water waveguide characterization using the Hankel transform
GV Frisk, JF Lynch
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 76 (1), 205-216, 1984
Acoustic travel‐time perturbations due to shallow‐water internal waves and internal tides in the Barents Sea Polar Front: Theory and experiment
JF Lynch, G Jin, R Pawlowicz, D Ray, AJ Plueddemann, CS Chiu, ...
The journal of the acoustical society of America 99 (2), 803-821, 1996
Shallow water acoustics
BG Katsnelson, VG Petnikov
Springer Science & Business Media, 2002
Determining suspended sediment particle size information from acoustical and optical backscatter measurements
JF Lynch, JD Irish, CR Sherwood, YC Agrawal
Continental Shelf Research 14 (10-11), 1139-1165, 1994
Estimates of suspended-sediment flux and bedform activity on the inner portion of the Eel continental shelf
DA Cacchione, PL Wiberg, J Lynch, J Irish, P Traykovski
Marine Geology 154 (1-4), 83-97, 1999
Shallow-water acoustics
WA Kuperman, JF Lynch
Physics Today 57 (10), 55-61, 2004
Temporal and azimuthal dependence of sound propagation in shallow water with internal waves
M Badiey, Y Mu, J Lynch, J Apel, S Wolf
IEEE journal of oceanic engineering 27 (1), 117-129, 2002
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Articles 1–20